Re: [rda-agrisemantics-wg][rda-rice-wg] Poster on semantics for data (ex rice) is available

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22 Sep 2016
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Dear Sophie,
Great poster! Thanks for sharing it . It will be very useful here at Embrapa .
Ivo Pierozzi Jr.
Organização do Conhecimento & Terminologia Agropecuária
Kno wledge Organization & Agricultural Terminology
Embrapa Informática Agropecuária, Campinas, SP, Brazil
Embrapa Agricultural Informatics
***@***.*** / Tel.: +55 19 32115867 / S kype: ivo.pierozzi.jr
----- Mensagem original -----
De: "Sophie Aubin" <***@***.***>
Para: ***@***.***, ***@***.***
Enviadas: Quarta-feira, 21 de setembro de 2016 5:40:12
Assunto: [SPAM] [rda-agrisemantics-wg][rda-rice-wg] Poster on semantics for data (ex rice) is available
Dear all,
Back from GODAN summit , I want to thank you all for your contributions in building this poster. I'm sorry that I could not transcribe all your ideas - some where not compatible, some came too late. Schedule was so tight that the agency did not accept my last requests, e.g. it was too late to introduce the input supplier, which I regret.
Anyway, I'm glad to share the final version with you and hope that you'll appreciate. You'll find it in the working groups folder: . Use it, print it and share it if you like it! When relevant, please give credit to INRA that funded its realisation.
This work has been the occasion for me to better know some of the group members' specialities and sensibilities. It's been great!
Now, a few words about GODAN, which is a major partner and support of our agriculture related RDA groups. The exhibit booth dedicated to AgroPortal allowed Clement and I to meet many inspiring people from various horizons to share ideas about semantics and data. We also had the chance to present the Agrisemantics initiative and the new RDA working groups that were all received very positively by the attendees.
To finish, I extend a warm welcome to new participants to the Agrisemantics working group, some of which I met in GODAN and the others who perhaps attended the RDA plenary in Denver where the group was also presented in the IGAD session.
Other news about the Agrisemantics WG to come soon...
Kind regards,
Sophie Aubin
INRA - Centre de Versailles-Grignon
Route de St Cyr
E-mail: ***@***.*** Tél: (33) (0)1 30 83 34 20
Fax: (33) (0)1 30 83 34 40
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