New RDA Working Group Supported by Oracle for Research

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07 Mar 2023

New RDA Working Group Supported by Oracle for Research

An RDA-OfR Working Group (WG), supported by Oracle for Research (OfR) and facilitated by the Research Data Alliance (RDA), will be initiated to determine successful methodologies and industry gaps of data sharing platforms to better facilitate data publication, access, sharing and collaboration among the global research data community. 

The RDA-OfR WG (full WG name to be determined) aims to explore and map the international digital research infrastructure landscape in an effort to improve data sharing and reuse, and enable effective co-creation and teamwork between researchers, innovators, and industry around the world. 

RDA-OfR WG activities include (but are not limited to) the:

  1. Identification, description and inventorisation of existing data sharing platforms (e.g., tools, services, repositories, registries) across technologies, disciplines and countries. 
  2. Undertaking of a gap analysis to assess and evaluate successful methodologies, implementations and integrations of data platforms, as well as identify gaps and areas for improvement.
  3. Production of a recommended list of needs and desired features that can be adopted by data platform service providers to benefit their user community, including metadata considerations. 

The WG deliverables will be open and available to the RDA community via the RDA web platform, and follow the existing processes and procedures for RDA Outputs & Recommendations. We welcome your contribution.

In order to be considered by the RDA Council and the Technical Advisory Board (TAB), the RDA-OfR WG must prepare a Case Statement for community review. In RDA terms, this means that the case statement (WG scope) is publicly open for feedback for 1 month. 

The RDA Secretariat will conduct a 1-hour virtual brainstorming workshop to present the RDA-OfR WG aims and objectives, and solicit feedback from the RDA community about its aims, objectives, scope, value proposition, work plan and adoption plan. 

Workshop Dates:

Workshops will take place on Wednesday 5 April at 08:00-09:00 UTC (Meeting 1) or 16:00-17:00 UTC (Meeting 2).


We are holding two meetings to accommodate multiple time zones. Please only register for the meeting most suitable for your schedule. Registration closes on Monday 27 March at 23:59 UTC.  

Workshop Participation Expectations:

We are seeking individuals who have a direct interest in the topic of open data publication, access, sharing and collaboration to brainstorm the scope, value proposition and plan for this RDA-OfR WG. In addition to attending the workshop, participants must be willing to dedicate approximately 2 hours to editing and finalising the WG case statement for submission following the workshop.  


Please note: As workshop participation places are limited, participants will be selected to ensure a diverse workshop with balanced geographical representation. To ensure these objectives are met, please only register for the one event you are truly able to attend.  If you are unable to attend the brainstorming workshop, there will be an opportunity for you to participate during the community review process and you can join the WG once it is created.  Register here.

More about the RDA-OfR Collaboration:

In accordance with the RDA’s mission, vision and guiding principles, this innovative collaboration between the Research Data Alliance (RDA) and Oracle for Research (OfR) promises to accelerate the development of community-driven data solutions for data sharing and reuse across geographical, technological and disciplinary boundaries.

If you have any further questions about the RDA-OfR WG or the collaboration between the RDA and OfR in general, please contact RDA Community Development Manager, Connie Clare (