Natural Sciences/Computer and information sciences

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02 Feb 2024

Wind Energy Community Standards WG

In Council review
Chair (s): 

The goal of the WG is to reduce data management overhead within and between organisations working with wind energy. This will be done by firstly creating a recommendation “Guidelines for improving FAIR data maturity in wind energy in practice”. This will then be used to create a wind energy FAIR Implementation Profile (FIP)1 , which is a methodology developed within the GO FAIR initiative. FIP will give the scientific and research communities the opportunity to express their choices of standards, technologies, tools and procedures by which they fulfil the FAIR principles.

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24 May 2013

Data Citation WG


The RDA Working Group on Data Citation (WG-DC)  brings together experts addressing the issues, requirements, advantages and shortcomings of existing approaches for efficiently identifying and citing arbitrary subsets of (potentially highly dynamic) data. It's recommendations are based upon on (1) timestamping and versioning changes to evolving data and (2) identifying arbitrary subsets by assigning PIDs to the queries selecting the according subsets and are applicable across all types of data, such as e.g. collections of files, relational databases, multidimensional data cubes or regions in images.

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