Month in Review - Plenary 21 Call for Sessions, Global Event Manager Position, Council Updates, Event Calendar and more

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06 Apr 2023

Month in Review - Plenary 21 Call for Sessions, Global Event Manager Position, Council Updates, Event Calendar and more

RDA Plenary 21 - Call for Sessions Now Open!

Yes, you are reading that correctly. The Call for Sessions for Plenary 21 (P21) is now open! With Plenary 20 now behind us, we are looking ahead to our next plenary, which will be held as part of International Data Week 2023 from 23–26 October 2023, as a hybrid event with the in-person component taking place in Salzburg, Austria.

Session applications can be for individual working//interest group meetings, joint meetings with one or more working/interest groups, or Birds of a Feather (BoF) sessions. If you are a group chair and would like to host a group meeting, or an RDA member who wants to host a BoF session, please submit your application by 23:59 UTC on Friday, 09 June 2023. Notifications of Session Acceptance will be sent out by Friday, 28 July 2023. Session times will be allocated based on the preferences provided in the application.

Please note, there will be no fully virtual sessions. At least one group chair must attend P21 in person. We cannot accept sessions chaired fully online. Learn more.

Help Develop the Future of the RDA

The RDA Council is working on the RDA's fifth strategic plan, providing direction and vision for the organisation, its stakeholders and community over the next four years (2024-2028). As a valued member of the RDA, you are invited to contribute your expert ideas and help develop its strategy. Read more.


Job Opportunity at RDA: Global Event Manager

RDA Foundation is seeking a Global Event Manager to organise and oversee RDA plenaries and other global events. The position is open to any individual residing anywhere in the world but a UK contract will be provided. If you are interested in joining the RDA Foundation team, or know someone who may be, applications must be submitted by 30 April. Read the full job description here.


Aligned with the 10th Anniversary schedule, for each month of 2023, RDA will be hosting and sharing events focused on a specific theme. For the month of April, the theme is “Health and Medical Data” . The lineup of events for the month of April are below:

The Research Data Alliance Post-Plenary 20 Webinar

Date: Thursday, 20 April 2023

Times: 07:30-08:30 UTC and 17:00-18:00 UTC

Online Event: Register here

Community Cross-fertilisation Workshop: RDA for Health and Medical Data

Date: Wednesday, 26 April 2023

Time: 11:00 - 12:45 UTC

Online Event: Register here

This workshop will bring RDA community groups and members together with the wider research data community for a discussion about the future of managing health and medical data within the community. Visit the event web page for more information.


FAIRPoints 'Ask me Anything' webinar on Regulatory Processes and Governance

Date: Wednesday, 27 April 2023

Time: 10:00 - 12:00 UTC

Online Event: Register here

Additional events taking place in April:

[Metascience 2023] Research Waste Symposium

Date: 9 April 2023

Time: 9:00-10:30 CET

Online Event: Register here or email 

Also take note of these events taking place in May:

DDI, FAIR, And The Emergent Role Of Active Metadata: A CODATA-DDI Alliance Webinar

Date: Thursday, 4 May 2023

Time: 14:00 - 16:00 UTC

Online Event: Register here 

Steps Towards Building Interoperability In Research Tools Using PIDs

Date: Tuesday, 23 May 2023

Time: 16:00 - 17:00 UTC

Online Event: Register here

Atelier sur la Certification CoreTrustSeal (en français)  | Workshop in French on CoreTrustSeal Certification

Date: Tuesday, 30 May 2023

Time: 13:00 - 15:00 UTC

Online Event: Register here


Group updates: 

Voting for RDA Council Candidates Opens 20 April

On 20 April, voting will open for the four open positions on the RDA Council. Five nominees are available, and members are encouraged to cast four preferences, one for each of open positions. These nominees are:

  • Sayeed Choudhury Director of Open Source Programs Office, Carnegie Mellon University
  • Wolfram Horstmann Director, State and University Library Goettingen
  • Sarah Jones EOSC Management Manager, GÉANT
  • Joyce Gosata Maphanyane Researcher, University of Botswana (standing for 2nd term)
  • Amy Nurnberger Program Head, Data Management Services, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Voting will open until 12th May 2023. Learn more and cast your votes.

Updates From: 

FAIR IMPACT First Open Calls Launched!

FAIR-IMPACT has just launched the first of three Open Calls for Support, offering two defined support actions designed to enhance the FAIRness of data, semantic artefacts and data-related services. Read more.

Call for Papers: 1st Conference On Research Data Infrastructure (CORDI)

The Association for German National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) is organising the first Conference on Research Data Infrastructure (CoRDI) from 12th to 14th September 2023. The main topics of the conference include technical and non-technical aspects for establishing interdisciplinary research data management (RDM). The Call for Papers is now open and the deadline for submission of extended abstracts of up to 1.000 words is April 21, 2023. Read more.

“EURIZON FELLOWSHIP PROGRAMME: Remote Research Grants for Ukrainian Researchers” Open Now

The EURIZON WP9 secretariat is pleased to announce the launch of the new EURIZON Fellowship Program: “Remote Research Grants for Ukrainian Researchers” dedicated to supporting Ukrainian researchers whose work is hampered or prevented by Russia´s war against Ukraine. The programme is addressing teams of vulnerable researchers and other relevant staff from Ukrainian research institutes (PhD students, engineers, technicians, etc.) from all scientific domains.  All details and application form are here.

Coalition For Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA) Call For Working Group Proposals

The Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA) has opened a call for Working Groups and for National Chapters! Working Groups are central to CoARA’s mission to enable systemic reform of research assessment. Based on a bottom-up approach with members’ voluntary involvement, Working Groups operate as ’communities of practice’, providing mutual learning and collaboration on specific thematic areas. Participating members will exchange knowledge, learn from each other’s experience, discuss and develop outputs to advance research assessment and support the implementation of members’ commitments. Read more.

Plenary Updates: 

Highlights from Plenary 20

Highlights from Plenary 20, held last month, are now available here.  It was great to see all the engagement, interaction and overall enthusiasm shown both in the conference venue and online via the Whova platform. Read the full rundown of the 20th RDA Plenary meeting, learn about the demographics of the participants, how to access recordings from the plenary sessions and look through summaries of the three days of the Plenary meeting.

Highlights from EOSC Future/RDA Workshop at Plenary 20: Global Research Commons: Europe And Beyond

An excellent summary of the 20 March event, hosted by EOSC Future and RDA, is now available, including topics addressed, key takeaways and recording links. Read more.

Recommendations & Outputs: 

RDA's Data Repository Attributes Working Group

Harmonizing Descriptions Of Research Data Repositories

The RDA's Data Repository Attributes Working Group has been developing a list of common attributes that can be used to describe data repositories along with examples that showcase different approaches that repositories are taking to express and expose metadata about themselves. The group seeks to improve the discoverability and interoperability of repositories with registries, tools, and other infrastructure related to research data. They’re excited to outline their process and to share the draft list of repository attributes for additional community input before they submit their work for review to become an RDA Recommendation towards the end of the year. Please consider attending!

Date: Wednesday, 3 May 2023

Time: 12:30 - 13:30 UTC

Online Event: Register here

RDA/WDS Scholarly Link Exchange (Scholix) Working Group

Expanding Scholix To Support Software: Your Input Required

Date: Tuesday, 16 May 2023

Time: 09:00 - 10:00 UTC

Online Event: Register here