Meet the RDA 13th Plenary European Early Career and Experts grant winners

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Meet the RDA 13th Plenary European Early Career and Experts grant winners
31 Mar 2019

Meet the RDA 13th Plenary European Early Career and Experts grant winners

We are excited to introduce to you the RDA Europe Early Career and Expert grant winners joining the 13th RDA Plenary meeting in Philadelphia, US, this week of 2-4 April 2019.


Introducing 7 young brilliant researchers and scientists working with data

The winners of the Early Career grants will provide support to RDA groups working in their fields of expertise and get to know the wider international data community driving the work of RDA. If you are joining the poster session at the meeting in Philadelphia, make sure you stop by their stands as they are eager to talk to you about their work.

The grantees represent leading academia and research institutions from 6 European countries. They cover a variety of disciplines including Social Sciences and Natural Sciences such as Chemical sciences and Computer and Information science and data interests:


Romain David
French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA), France
Domain: Natural Science/ Computer and Information Science
Kathleen Gregory
Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS), The Netherlands
Domain: Social Sciences
Daniela Hausen
RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Domain: Natural Sciences/Chemical sciences
Stefan Reichmann
Graz University of Technology, Austria
Domain: Social Sciences/ Sociology
Joana Rodrigues
University of Porto, Portugal
Domain: Social Sciences
Stephanie van de Sandt
CERN, Switzerland
Domain: Natural Sciences/Computer and information sciences
Tobias Weber
Leibniz-Supercomputing Centre, Germany
Domain: Natural Sciences/Computer and information sciences


6 long standing RDA expert contributors

RDA Europe aims to encourage expert contributions to the efforts of the RDA Working and Interest groups. One of the activities designed to do that is the RDA EU Expert programme through which 6 European active contributors have been granted financial support. Our expert grantees are drivers behind a series of groups such as the Agrisemantics WG, the  Early Career and Engagement IG, Sharing Rewards and Credit (SHARC) IG or the Metadata IG. They will share  insights into their work via the RDA blogs, so make sure you stay tuned to to find out more.


Sophie Aubin
French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA), France
Domain: Agricultural Sciences/Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries
Alex Ball
University of Bath, United Kingdom
Domain: Natural Sciences/Computer and information sciences
Anne Cambon-Thomsen
French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), France
Domain: Medical and Health Sciences
Giuseppe Fiameni
(CINECA), Italy
Domain: Engineering and Technology
Mervyn O’Luing
Insight Centre for Data Analytics, Ireland
Domain: Natural Sciences/Computer and information sciences
Fotis E. Psomopoulos
Center for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH), Greece
Domain: Natural Sciences/Computer and information sciences


Inclusive platforms to share ideas, experiences and best practices

RDA Europe will run several editions of the Early Career and Expert programmes in correspondence with the upcoming RDA Plenary meetings. The programmes are designed to bring forward and support diverse participation to RDA terms of countries, disciplines and domain coverage, gender and generational balances.

We invite and encourage all  to apply for our upcoming open calls, the next ECR and Expert call for travel funds to attend P14 in Helsinki, will be opened June 2019.

To find out more visit: or contact us at