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17 Oct 2023

RDA in Ecuador

In November 2023 The Research Data Alliance (RDA) and the Ecuadorian Corporation for the Development of Research and Academia (CEDIA) signed an agreement to form a regional association, intended to further represent the practices and interests of the Ecuadorian research community and at the same time facilitate the regional adoption of RDA standards and practices through the organization and implementation of various initiatives and activities.

Through this partnership, CEDIA will coordinate RDA and awareness efforts in Ecuador, and specifically:

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24 Aug 2022

RDA in Canada

Chair (s): 

Prior to merging with the Digital Research Alliance of Canada (the Alliance), Research Data Canada worked with RDA U.S. and other regional partners to create RDA Region of the Americas. This relationship was informal until the Alliance formalized the partnership with RDA in 2022. 

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09 Oct 2020

RDA in Costa Rica

¡Bienvenidas, bienvenidos!


Este espacio está dedicado a las actividades, noticias y eventos del Grupo Costarricense de RDA. Por favor, si desea inscribirse a este grupo puede hacerlo dando un click en el link "Join Group" situado en la parte derecha de esta página. 

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08 Aug 2019

RDA in Australasia

This is a working area dedicated to RDA-related activities, updates and events in Australasia


If you would like to contribute to the group or receive all RDA in Australasia updates, please register by clicking on the green "Join Group" button on the right. You will then be automatically subscribed to the group mailinglist.


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