Data Fabric IG Testing and Adoption of RDA Outputs

Within RDA there is wide agreement now that we need to accelerate the virtuous circle of (1) creating RDA outputs, (2) testing them broadly and across disciplines, (3) collecting results and drawing conclusions and (4) if necessary improve RDA outputs and identify gaps. The final direction for RDA must be to come up with recommendations that can improve data sharing and re-use and therefore reduce the inefficiencies we currently experience when working with data in science, industry and public sectors. For the next period we will use these pages to bundle references to test and adoption cases, discuss the experiences, and draw conclusions.

1. General Statements about Testing and Adoptions

2. Experiences & Conclusions

3. DFT WG related tests & adoptions (Data Foundation & Terminology)

4. DTR WG related tests & adoptions (Data Type Registry)

5. PIT WG related tests & adoptions (PID Information Types)
