RDA- SHARC ig update & next steps

15 Dec 2020

Dear RDA-SHARC IG members,
We hope to find you well and safe.
This mail aims to give you a little update of where we are standing at present in the group, and how we suggest to move forward over the next months, with a priority task on preparing a session proposal for RDA P17 (submission deadline 12 th of January) .
Where we stand:
A reminder of what has been accomplished so far.
The SHARC group has initiated a work some time ago to map existing reward /credit mechanisms for the data (& resources) sharing activity and to identify the gaps. The aim is to eventually define some recommendations. This was captured as a draft background paper.
On the way, and following suggestions from the SHARC session at RDA P13, arose the need to first develop a 'human readable' FAIR assessment support tool which some of us have worked at (as a SHARC subgroup). We have published a paper about it < DOI: [ http://doi.org/10.5334/dsj-2020-032 | http://doi.org/10.5334/dsj-2020-032 ] >, have tested the tool/template in some training sessions. The tool is here: [ https://zenodo.org/record/3922069#.X8ZMp81Kg2w | https://zenodo.org/record/3922069#.X8ZMp81Kg2w ] .
We are currently preparing this work for the RDA community review process and we plan to go back to the initial objective of SHARC by early 2021.
How to move forward:
We propose the following action plan for the coming months.
To submit the FAIR assessment support tool to RDA community review ; forthcoming…
To invite you to the following poll [ https://framaforms.org/rda-sharc-ig-poll-for-rda-p17-session-1607699787 | https://framaforms.org/rda-sharc-ig-poll-for-rda-p17-session-1607699787 ] at your earliest convenience before the 5 th of January in order to:
adopt a more collaborative approach for the session proposal preparation
choose priorities among suggested topics to address in the session and to possibly include in recommendations, or among others you would think of (in order to further construct the action plan adequately with you)
know more about the degree and form of involvement you wishin the group
To elaborate with all volunteers a session proposal for the next plenary (RDA P17, 20-22 April; deadline for the session abstract submission, 12th of Jan ) that could be focused on one or several aspects of rewarding mechanisms.
We would greatly appreciate if you could respond to the poll before the 5th of January , and if you could let us know whether you would be interested to continue your work in this IG.
Many thanks in advance,
All the best,
Laurence, Romain, Anne
Laurence Mabile
UMR1027 INSERM-Université Toulouse III Paul Sabatier
Epidémiologie et Analyses en Santé Publique
37 Allées J. Guesde 31000 Toulouse
Tel: 05 61 14 56 47
ORCID: 0000-0002-7724-1721