post session SHARC RDA vP15

10 Apr 2020

Dear all,
Hope you're all fine.
Many thanks to those of you who attended the SHARC session 2 days ago; a valuable work has been initiated thanks to you. You can finalise your contribution all over next week.
As this kind of work does really make sense if is collaborative, we now would like to let you enrich it with a maximum of participation from the group. For those of you who have not attended but may still be interested, we invite you to have a look at the collaborative notes of the session
There are 3 tasks where people contributed. We invite you to start with Task 1 and complete at least the table 1 regarding who you think are the appropriate 'FAIR training' providers, educational/communicational supports and targets to initiate and maintain a FAIR culture in Research. Do not hesitate to add as many lines as needed in the table.
More input if you are inspired will be greatly appreciated in tasks 2 & 3!
We will close the document on the 20 th of April , many thanks in advance.
All the best,
Laurence & Romain