Community Meetings

This Wiki Page contains the links to past and upcoming Community Meetings.


2022 Community Meetings

Information about the 2022 Community Meeting Series, including how to register, is located in this post.

April, 2022

Fifth Community Meeting. Theme: summary of community challenges and next steps for vocabulary work.

Notes here, Post sharing relevant links, recording, and documents following the community meeting located here.

Post about the community meeting series here.

March, 2022

Forth Community Meeting. Theme: discussing the vocabularies survey and challenges faced by the community.

Notes here, Post sharing relevant links, recording, and documents following the community meeting located here.

Post about the community meeting series here.

February, 2022

Third Community Meeting. Theme: discussing work and outputs for 2022.

Notes here, Post sharing relevant links, recording, and documents following the community meeting located here.

Post about the community meeting series here.


2021 Community Meetings

November, 2021

No meeting, instead meeting at RDA18 Plenary session and poster session.

October, 2021

Second Community Meeting.

Notes here.

Posts here and here.

September, 2021

First Community Meeting.

Notes here.

Posts here and here.