July Sensitive Data Community Meeting: Knowledge sharing Meeting

31 May 2023

Dear RDA Community,


Please join us for our July Community Meeting. This will be a knowledge sharing session. We will update this post with more details closer to the event - but in the mean time register at eventbrite to save the date!

Register and add the event to your calendar here:  https://www.eventbrite.com/e/july-sensitive-data-community-meeting-knowl...

Date: 14:00UTC (2pm), July 12, 2023.

Sensitive Data IG home page: https://www.rd-alliance.org/groups/sensitive-data-interest-group

Zoom details here: https://ardc-edu-au.zoom.us/j/82408263922?pwd=Wi90V2ZXRW9iMG9hY3dsOWRJZG...

Password: 746172

Looking forward to seeing you there,


Sensitive Data IG Co chairs