July Sensitive Data Community Meeting - classification frameworks

06 Jul 2023

Dear RDA Community,

Please join us for our July Community Meeting. This month we will continue discussing classification frameworks.

Specifically, we will consider the following questions: 

  • How do you use/interact with data sensitivity classifications in your work? (Does it impact the kinds of data you can collect or research, and the types of systems you can use?)
  • What are the challenges to applying these sensitive data classifications? PARTICULARLY when sharing data or working across borders?
  • What data sensitivity classifications do you use/interact with in your work? (For example at the organizational level, or as legislated at the government level)

Register and add the event to your calendar here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/july-sensitive-data-community-meeting-knowledge-sharing-session-tickets-646685903947

Date: 14:00UTC (2pm), July 12, 2023.

Sensitive Data IG home page: https://www.rd-alliance.org/groups/sensitive-data-interest-group

Zoom details here: https://ardc-edu-au.zoom.us/j/82408263922?pwd=Wi90V2ZXRW9iMG9hY3dsOWRJZG...

Password: 746172

We look forward to seeing you there,


Sensitive Data IG Co chairs

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