FAIR4RH-2023-05 and other infos.

17 May 2023

Dear all,
First some interesting info:
There will be a workshop during the next open science conference June 28 on hardware publication , see https://www.openmake.de/blog/2023/05/11/2023-05-11-workshop-at-the-open-..., there is a 50€ fee to participate in the online conference. We have some money in the project to cover that fee if you would like to participate. Feel welcome to pass the message to your network.
Then, let’s find a time for our next meeting:
Please fill the poll as soon as possible, so we can block the time in our agendas.
PS: apologies for having missed April, the time was hectic both for me and Nadica.
Best regards,
Julien Colomb