Invitation: CoARA ERIP Launch Meeting, Wednesday 20 March, 12:00 to 14:00 CET, Hybrid: Palais des Académie Brussels and on Zoom

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13 Mar 2024
Groups audience: 

Dear RDA Research Evaluation Working Group members,

It is a pleasure to invite you to the Launch Meeting of the newly established CoARA Working Group ‘Ethics and Research Integrity Policy in Responsible Research Assessment for Data and Artificial Intelligence (ERIP)’ to be held online on Zoom and in-person at the Palace of the Academies, Hertogstraat 1 Rue Ducale, 1000 Brussels (BE) on Wednesday 20 March 2024 from 12:00 noon to 14:00 CET (Brussels time). Attached is the meeting invitation and agenda. You may register here.

This meeting at the Royal Academies in Belgium during the European Commission’s Research and Innovation (R&I) Week to make it available to those who might be in Brussels at that time and would like to drop in, should their schedules permit.

CoARA ERIP focuses on integrating research ethics and integrity into research assessment policy for data and AI. The meeting will discuss the organization of the working group and its workplan. It contributes to the establishment of a global ethical compass for data and AI in science and innovation.

Kind regards,

Francis P. Crawley

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