Data Bundle

This page is used to discuss recommendations about data which is not a term defined within RDA. RDA speaks about digital objects which can be data, software, configurations, etc. We distinguish 4 statements:

  1. Suggestions which come from RDA WG outputs (RDA WG)
  2. Suggestions which emerge from RDA discussions (RDA)
  3. Suggestions from other initiatives such as FAIR
  4. Suggestions for RDA Recommendations (RDA REC) which will be the result of RDA interactions

If there are more statements that relate to this bundle that come from other initiatives we should add them.

DAT1. FAIR-F1: data are assigned a globally unique and eternally persistent identifier.

DAT2. FAIR-F2: data are described with rich metadata.

DAT3. FAIR-F3: data are registered or indexed in a searchable resource.

DAT4. FAIR-A1: data are retrievable by their identifier ...

DAT5. FAIR-I1: data use a formal, accessible, shared, and broadly applicable language for knowledge representation.

DAT6. FAIR-I2: data use vocabularies that follow FAIR principles.

DAT7. FAIR-I3: data include qualified references to other (meta)data.

DAT8. FAIR-R1: data have a plurality of accurate and relevant attributes.

DAT9. FAIR-R1.1: data are released with a clear and accessible data usage license.

DAT10. FAIR-R1.2: data are associated with their provenance.

DAT11. FAIR-R1.3: data meet domain-relevant community standards.

DAT12. RDA: The schemas of digital objects need to be registered in open schema registries.

DAT13. RDA: Concepts used in digital objects need to be registered and define in open concept registries using an accepted formal semantic language.

DAT14. RDA: The provenance of digital objects need to be stored in provenance records making use of the W3C PROV standard and referenced by metadata.

DAT15. RDA-DFT1.1: A digital object is represented by a bitstream, is referenced and identified by a persistent identifier and has properties that are described by metadata.

DAT16. RDA-DTR: For machines accessing a digital object via a PID, either as a direct reference or as the result of a search, it is crucial to find the type information to understand how to interprete it. Type information can be found in the metadata and/or in a type registry. While the metadata refers to a registered schema and the schema to registered concepts, the type registry specifies the kind of action to be taken for a specific concept in its type context.

DAT17. RDA DTR: Every type included in a digital object and registered in a data type registry must be identified with a resolvable persistent identifier.

DAT18. DOI: A DOI needs to be registered for a published DO and it should be associated with citation metadata.

DAT19. DSA1: The data producer deposits the data in a data repository with sufficient information for others to assess the quality of the data and compliance with disciplinary and ethical norms.

DAT20. DSA2: The data producer provides the data in formats recommended by the data repository.

DAT21. DSA3: The data producer provides the data together with the metadata requested by the data repository.


From these statements we can draw a number of obviously widely agreed recommendations:

REC1: (to come as a process of finding convergence in an open discussion)


  • Alex Hardisty's picture

    Author: Alex Hardisty

    Date: 17 Oct, 2016

    EC funded ENVRI and ENVRIplus projects are harmonising terminology and concepts relevant to the Data Fabric IG in conjunction with 20 research infrastrucures. It would be useful to include ENVRI Reference Model (ENVRI RM, as a sources, alongside FAIR, for example.

    For example: " Data is the representations of information dealt with by information systems and users thereof (as defined in ODP, ISO/IEC 10746-2). Persistent Data denotes data that are persisted (stored for the long-term)."


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