R: [rda-agrisemantics-wg] group call in June

06 Jun 2016
Groups audience: 

Dear all,
Based on the availability given in the Doodle poll (http://doodle.com/poll/vhwpxycnz3a7nn8d), coming Wednesday, 8th June, 11-12am CEST, is the day that suits most of you.
This is the proposed agenda for the call:
Report from RDA in Tokyo, and from Open Harvest in Chania (Valeria/Devika, Sophie/Caterina)
Topics of interest coming out from those meetings
RDA working group - formal framework and possible outputs (Devika)
cf. https://www.rd-alliance.org/recommendations-outputs - different types of output, individual/institutional participation, what happens in case of non-deliverable, meetings frequency/costs
Discussion: candidate topics for Agrisemantics WG
Feel free to comment on the agenda!
The online call will be an Adobe Connect meeting: http://fao.adobeconnect.com/rda_agrisemantics_1/
Looking forward to talking to you!
All the best,
Caterina and Sophie
Caterina Caracciolo, PhD
OPCC - FAO of the UN
skype: catecara