Ethics Training for Data Scientist

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27 Jun 2019
Group(s) submitting the application: 
Meeting objectives: 

During the RDA 13th plenary, the  ESAD group initiated a discussion on the Ethics in Data Science and Analytics.  Following the keynote by Julia Stoyanovich underlying the challenges of fairness, accountability, and transparency in data science, the group has explored the ethical challenges around IoT, data science, and data analytics in their session. As a conclusion, we have identified a need to develop a reference curriculum for data ethics to support data scientist. A task force of “Ethics Curriculum development” has been established and started working. The task force aims to produce an output which can be adopted in data science programs and training activities in data-centric fields. 

In this plenary session, we plan to present the current state of the work, get feedback from the community, and focus on specific aspects of the curriculum for specific use cases/ target groups.

Meeting agenda: 

Collaborative session notes 

The meeting will focus on discussing foundational elements of the ethics training for data scientist and managers. The session will be organized as a collaborative working group session. The session will be structured around the specific questions, derived from the preliminary work of the task force. Materials will be shared beforehand. 

Outline of the session:

  • Presentations of data ethics curriculum development task force: aim and roadmap

  • Lightning talks  : 

    • Training Researchers on Handling Sensitive Data by Turkka Näppilä and Susanna Nykyri
    • Ethics Teaching on the CODATA/RDA Schools for Research Data Science, by Louise Bezuidenhout
  • Collaborative working towards the identification of 

    • target audience 
    • core skills and attitudes relevant to data ethics 
    • ways to teach these core skills as part of a reference curriculum 
    • relevant courses, programs and experiences
  • Cross collaboration with RDA groups

    • Education and Training on handling of research data IG
    • CODATA/RDA Research Data Science Schools for Low and Middle-Income Countries
  • Next steps and road map

Target Audience: 

Researchers from all fields, research policy makers, representatives of funding institutions, representatives of publishers, representatives of NGOs

Group chair serving as contact person: 
Brief introduction describing the activities and scope of the group: 

The Ethics and Social Aspects of Data (ESAD) IG was established in 2015 and focuses on ethical and social challenges of data archiving, sharing, and reuse. The group has been discussing the kinds/types of data that can be reused and under what circumstances, the work of institutional ethics bodies and boards, and areas of research and specific research aspects that create new challenges for data management. Discussions held in the ESAD IG span across many group activities at RDA, where each group contributes to ethical data sharing goals from their perspectives.

Short Group Status: 

ESAD has more than 100 members and continues as an interest group.  A group of members are working on FAIR representations of ethical review processes.

Type of Meeting: 
Working meeting
Avoid conflict with the following group (1): 
Avoid conflict with the following group (2):