EOSC meets the research data international community at RDA Helsinki
On the 22nd of October 2019, the University of Aalto, Helsinki, Finland hosted the first EOSC event of 2019: The International Research Data Community contributing to EOSC.
The event was organised by EOSCSecretariat.eu, the H2020 project mandated to support the EOSC Governance, in collaboration with the EOSC Executive Board and the Research Data Alliance (RDA).
“The RDA is a critical forum for the activities of the EOSC FAIR Working Group. The international community is already active in defining FAIR metrics, repository certification schema and various standards that enable interoperability. What pleased me most about the event were comments from panellists and the audience about the central role of the researchers. In my opinion we need to engage end users more and work through universities and research infrastructures to ensure EOSC meets researchers needs.”
Sarah Jones, Digital Curation Centre (DCC), RDA Europe and FAIR WG Chair.
The outcomes of the event are summarised in this article.
The web streaming of the first two plenary sessions is available here: