DSA–WDS Partnership Working Group on Certification

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06 Dec 2013

DSA–WDS Partnership Working Group on Certification

Dear Colleagues,

Please find attached to this post the draft Case Statement of the DSA–WDS Partnership Working Group on Certification submitted today for comments to the RDA Community until end-December. It will then be submitted to the RDA as an RDA Working Group under the umbrella of the Repository Audit and Certification Interest Group by mid-January.

With best regards.

Mustapha Mokrane
On behalf of the Co-chairs of the Repository Audit and Certification Interest Group—Michael Diepenbroek and Ingrid Dillo— and on behalf of the Co-chairs of the DSA–WDS Partnership Working Group—Lesley Rickards and Mary Vardigan.

  • Draft DSA–WDS Partnership Working Group Case Statement for RDA Community comments 
Mustapha Mokrane, PhD. | Executive Director
World Data System-International Programme Office
c/o NICT, 4-2-1 Nukui-kitamachi, Koganei, Tokyo 184-8795, Japan