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Matrix of use cases and functional requirements for research data repository platforms

By Stefan Kramer

The matrix describes the functional requirements identified for research data repository platforms. The functional requirements are based on eleven use cases that describe their requirements for digital repository platforms. The matrix provides a description for forty-four requirements and, for each one, provides a functional requirement score that is based on the use cases. Functional requirements of greater importance are identified with higher functional requirement scores. The functional requirement scores can be used to assess research data repository platforms and to prioritize functional requirements for development and adoption.


Sustainable Business Models for Brokering Middleware to support Research Interoperability

By Stefano Nativi

The Brokering Governance Recommendation discusses the strengths and weakness of different models in the context of long-term sustainment of brokering middleware. Examination of alternatives leads to a prioritization among models with the recognition that no single model by itself is likely to provide the desired sustainment. The analysis suggests that a hybridized model incorporating aspects of three different business models over the lifespan of the brokering middleware, i.e. federally funded data facility guardianship in the establishment stage replaced or supported by a Consortium model and/or Software-as-a- Service as the broker matures, will likely provide the strongest model for sustainment.


Data Description Registry Interoperability Model

By Amir Aryani

Data Description Registry Interoperability WG is working on a series of bi-lateral information exchange projects and an open, extensible, and flexible cross-platform research data discovery software solutions. Research Data Switchboard is a collaborative project by the members of the DDRI WG. This project leverages DataCite DOI, ORCID and other persistent identifiers, and uses simple but effective research graph technology to link datasets.


An open, universal literature-data cross-linking service - RDA/WDS Publishing Data Services WG Recommendations

By Hylke Koers

The ICSU-WDS & RDA Publishing Data Services group proposes an approach to sharing information about the links between the literature and research data. A set of hubs will collect literature­data (as well as data­data) links from their natural communities using minor extensions to existing local procedures and, in some cases, inference. The hubs agree on an interoperability framework with a common information model and open exchange methods, optimised for exchanging information among the hubs. The hubs will serve as an enabling global information infrastructure for the development of (third party) services.

The Recommendation is also published at the following DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15497/RDA00002

Relevant to this recommendation is also the release of the Scholix framework by ICSU-WDS and RDA, details can be found here: https://rd-alliance.org/rda-and-icsu-wds-announce-scholix-framework-link...
