Data Type Registries Working Group

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04 Jun 2013

Data Type Registries Working Group


Data Type Registries WG

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Data Type Registries WG

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 6:11 pm
by llannom
The idea of a Data Type Registries Working Group started in DAITF and has now moved to RDA. This is the first post establishing an RDA discussion forum for this potential WG. There was a Mailman email list set up at CNRI before it was clear that RDA would enable email lists. Everyone on that list has now been moved to

The only message sent to the old list was from me and contained the attached document, which contains the rationale for the WG. This predates the more specific requirements for an RDA Case Statement. I will draft such a document with Daan Broeder (co-chair) and will post it here over the next few days for comment, etc. While the RDA sorts out Forums vs email lists vs wikis, etc., I suggest all substantive comments be made here so there is a record. I'll use the email list for now to alert members when something has been posted.

Thanks for being part of the group.


Case Statment

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 6:48 pm
by llannom
Happy New Year to all,

Attached (I hope) is the draft Case Statement for the Type Registries WG from Daan and I. Please read and send comments.

We got a nudge this morning from Peter W. to the effect that the candidate WGs should have their Case Statements available for general comment across the Forum, as opposed to just inside the WG, by the end of next week. That allows time for four weeks or so of general comments followed by some weeks of interaction within the initial RDA Council so that established WGs are in place by the time of the Goteburg RDA Kickoff. I will aim for that deadline, on the assumption that we can keep refining the document during those four weeks.

You will notice an Appendix at the end with the title of Current Members but with no content. I've just looked at the four or so candidate WG Statements that have been recently posted and they all seem to include such a list, which seems reasonable to me. All I have so far is a list of your email addresses. Please send me ( the name and affiliation by which you would like to be identified. Thanks.

I will send email to the list to alert the WG members to this posting. I did see that a 'Subscribe Topic' check box sits at the bottom of each topic. I guess I will find out in a minute whether or not this works. Assuming it does that seems like the best option to not having to replicate postings and emails, as I am about to do.

Thanks again,


Re: Data Type Registries WG

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 2:52 am
by llannom
As some of you may know from other WGs, the recommended schedule for Case Statements goes

Jan 14th - submission to the list of Case Statements for open comments beyond the current WG members

Feb 15th - revised Case Statement submitted to the Council

Iteration with the Council, perhaps resulting in added changes, up until the March meeting in Gothenburg

Presentation at the Plenary of the final CS, and acceptance as an official WG

So - unless we get any comments on the Case Statement I am recommending that we submit it for general consideration on the 14th. We will still have four weeks to improve it if needed.


Re: Data Type Registries WG

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 11:03 am
by tobiasweigel
Hi Larry,

I think the case statement is good and pragmatic with a very clear and driving motivation. I think there is no doubt that a type registry is needed and I also think that the scope is right in picking just a very few additional attributes.

Re: Data Type Registries WG

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 1:16 am
by llannom
As I just mentioned in email to the list, we received feedback from the Steering Board subgroup. It is basically positive and I've attached it here.


Re: Data Type Registries WG

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 9:17 am
by llannom
The following was just sent to the mailing list for this group:


The Type Registry Candidate Working Group is now an approved working group, with a request for further information on who may adopt the results.

Also note that we have a WG session 18:00 - 19:00 on Tuesday. It appears on the Program in the Parallel Sessions table. Hope to see you there.
