Repository Platforms for Research Data

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30 Jun 2014

Repository Platforms for Research Data

Description / Abstract / Agenda: 

Date & Time: BREAKOUT1 Monday 22 Sept 2014, 11.00 – 12.30

Research data can take many forms; from spreadsheets and documents, to large images and videos, and beyond. These files often have metadata associated with them, and may have complex semantic relationships with one another. Research data files can also be gigabytes or even terabytes in size, with millions of files in a single repository. But these requirements alone do not support the diverse needs of the research data community. It is therefore necessary to gather and analyze use cases in order to determine the functionalities required for repository platforms to support research data management. This BoF group will lay the ground work for the formation of a Working Group (WG) on repository platforms for research data. The purpose of the WG will be to gather and analyze research data use cases in order to make recommendations on the functional requirements for repository platforms to build capacity for managing diverse datasets. The BoF group will start the process of gathering use cases and work toward producing a case statement for the WG, including deliverables, a work plan, and the initial WG membership.

Meeting Agenda

  1. Welcome and introductions
  2. Working group goals and outcomes
  3. Case statement planning
  4. Initial use case discussion
  5. Next steps and discussion


Date & Time: 
Monday, 22 September, 2014 - 14:00
Groups audience: 
Long tail of research data IG
David Wilcox
Chair contact emails :
Preference to avoid conflicting schedule with the following WG/IG/BoF group meetings: 
Any other Long Tail of Research Data IG meetings, Libraries for Research Data BoF
This proposal is for a BoF meeting based on the Long Tail of Research Data IG.
  • Stefan Kramer's picture

    Author: Stefan Kramer

    Date: 25 Jul, 2014

    I would be very interested in participating in this BoF group. Is the
    goal to have a meeting of it in Amsterdam?
    I would also argue that, for better or worse, there may be different
    functionalities for different types of repositories, such as for data
    archiving and for data visualization - which ideally could be supported
    by the same platform, but in reality may not be (for example, we're
    currently deploying Islandora for the former and Socrata Open Data
    Portal for the latter). And if not, interoperability/data exchange
    between the different platforms becomes a crucial issue.
    Stefan Kramer

  • David Wilcox's picture

    Author: David Wilcox

    Date: 25 Jul, 2014

    Hi Stefan,
    Glad to hear you’re interested in the BoF! Yes, the plan is to hold this meeting at the 4th Plenary in Amsterdam, with the goal of laying the groundwork for a Working Group around the same topic. 
    I agree that there could be different functionalities for different types of repositories that may not be well supported by a single platform, at which point interoperability becomes a major concern. This is certainly something we’ll want to keep in mind when discussing and forming the working group.
    David Wilcox, BA, MLIS
    Fedora Product Manager
    Skype Name: david.wilcox82
    From: StefanKramer <***@***.***>
    Reply: ***@***.*** <***@***.***>>
    Date: July 25, 2014 at 1:18:12 PM
    To: ***@***.*** <***@***.***>>
    Subject:  Re: [rda-tailresearchdata-ig] Repository Platforms for Research Data
    I would be very interested in participating in this BoF group. Is the
    goal to have a meeting of it in Amsterdam?
    I would also argue that, for better or worse, there may be different
    functionalities for different types of repositories, such as for data
    archiving and for data visualization - which ideally could be supported
    by the same platform, but in reality may not be (for example, we're
    currently deploying Islandora for the former and Socrata Open Data
    Portal for the latter). And if not, interoperability/data exchange
    between the different platforms becomes a crucial issue.
    Stefan Kramer

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