RDA RPRD IG: draft document about “The development of the matrix of use cases and functional requirements for research data repository platforms” available for your review

01 Sep 2016

Dear members of the RDA Repository Platforms for Research Data IG,
We have a draft document about “The development of the matrix of use cases and functional requirements for research data repository platforms” available for your review - you can insert comments into this Google Doc through Sunday, Sep. 11.
The current version of the actual matrix, which that document is meant to accompany when published on the RDA web site at or soon after Plenary 8, can be found here. Per the notes from our IG’s Aug. 29 Virtual Meeting, the co-chairs are currently reviewing the submitted use cases vis-a-vis the matrix for quality control.
Your co-chairs,
David Wilcox <***@***.***>
Stefan Kramer <***@***.***>
Ralph Müller-Pfefferkorn <***@***.***-dresden.de>

  • Stefan Kramer's picture

    Author: Stefan Kramer

    Date: 02 Sep, 2016

    Dear IG members, please refer to the message you received as email - the one that became posted here was stripped of its hyperlinks. Thanks,


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