Case Statement document + next group call, Fri 5/8, 9am CEST

02 Aug 2016
Groups audience: 

Dear all,
the advanced version of the Case Statement is now available in our
folder at this place:
Your feedback will be very much appreciated - if possible before our
next call on Friday.
You are invited to use the "Suggestion" feature (click on the pen top
right of the page to access).
We'll soon send you the connection details and a final agenda for our
next call on Friday, 5th at 9am CEST.
Kind regards,
Sophie, Caterina and Panos

  • Sophie Aubin's picture

    Author: Sophie Aubin

    Date: 05 Aug, 2016

    Dear all,
    Join today's call at
    It opens at 8:45 CEST and starts at 9 CEST
    The agenda is here :
    All the best & looking forward to talking to you!
    Sophie, Panos and Caterina

  • Cyril Pommier's picture

    Author: Cyril Pommier

    Date: 16 Aug, 2016

    Dear all,
    I have added a quick contribution. Sorry for not being available those past months. I hope my proposal will be usefull.

    Cyril Pommier
    Deputy leader: Information System and Data integration team
    Phenotype thematic leader
    Tel. : +33 1 (0)1 30 83 38 36
    Mobile : +33 1 (0)6 64 30 81 85
    Fax : +33 1 (0)1 30 83 38 99
    INRA, bat.18, RD10, Route de Saint Cyr
    78026 Versailles, France
    De : sophie.aubin=***@***.*** [mailto:***@***.***] De la part de Sophie Aubin
    Envoyé : mardi 2 août 2016 16:26
    À : ***@***.***
    Cc : Caracciolo, Caterina (OPCC) <***@***.***>; Panagiotis Zervas
    Objet : [rda-agrisemantics-wg] Case Statement document + next group call, Fri 5/8, 9am CEST
    Dear all,
    the advanced version of the Case Statement is now available in our folder at this place:
    Your feedback will be very much appreciated - if possible before our next call on Friday.
    You are invited to use the "Suggestion" feature (click on the pen top right of the page to access).
    We'll soon send you the connection details and a final agenda for our next call on Friday, 5th at 9am CEST.
    Kind regards,
    Sophie, Caterina and Panos
    Le 26/07/2016 16:07, pzervas a écrit :
    Dear All,
    Based on the doodle responses, our next group call has been scheduled for Friday, 5th of August at 9:00 a.m. CEST. An Adobe Connect meeting will be set-up and send before our group call.
    Additionally, we are planning to have a panel related to the Agrisemanics WG during the MTSR 2016 conference ( and we would like to ask who from our working group is expected to attend the conference, so as to participate also to this panel. For this purpose, we have prepared a doodle poll ( to declare whether you will be attending MTSR 2016 conference or not.
    Thanks in advance for filling this doodle poll and see you next week online
    Best regards,
    Panagiotis, Caterina and Sophie
    Panagiotis Zervas, Ph.D.
    Senior Project Manager
    Email: ***@***.***
    Tel.: +30 210 6897 905
    Skype: pzervas
    17 Grammou str., 15235 Athens, Greece
    60 Kapeldreef Str., I&I Center, BE3001, Leuven (Heverlee), Belgium
    We find, connect and deliver agriculture and food information worldwide.
    Have you read the Chania Declaration?
    - Show quoted text -From: Sophie Aubin [mailto:***@***.***]
    Sent: Friday, July 22, 2016 3:53 PM
    To: ***@***.***
    Subject: Re: [rda-agrisemantics-wg] next group call
    Hi again,
    As I forgot to activate the time zone management option when creating the poll, I had to restart a new one :
    My apologize to Devika and Tom who'll have to refill it.
    And thanks Gary for notifying
    Le 22/07/2016 10:45, Sophie Aubin a écrit :
    Dear all,
    In the shared RDA_Agrisemantics folder, you can find the minutes of our last call on Tuesday, 19th:
    As for our next meeting, please indicate your availability in the Doodle poll:
    This time, slots have been chosen to allow the participation of people from Asia and Australia who had not been able to attend previous meetings. Sorry for our friends from America.
    The WG definition document is still open to comments
    Kind regards
    Sophie, Caterina & Panos
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