Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition

24 Oct 2013
Groups audience: 

Hi Ag folks,

Fran Berman from Council receivedt a message from Katherine Townsend, a colleague at RPI, introducing a new iniitaive encouraging open agricultural and nutrition data. I thought you all would be interested. An excerpt from her message is below. I will also connect Katherine to the Interest Group.
in April 2013, the G8 held an International Open Data Agriculture & Nutrition Conference.  At that conference participants decided to establish a global effort on open data - that was not necessarily tied to the G-8.  This effort has been moving forward steadily since June 8th. If you would, take a moment to review the Statement of Purpose for the GODAN initiative here:  
The group is still recruiting partners up until October 31st, and it is shaping up to be a robust and diverse global partnership.  There's no commitment of funds or even time- it is simply a statement of support for these open data principles.  Seems directly in line with your work on standardization, if you are interested. 


  • Johannes Keizer's picture

    Author: Johannes Keizer

    Date: 08 Nov, 2013 is related to our work - and some of us as me - are directly involved.  We will assure that GODAN initiatives and RDA go together.

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