Upcoming Deadlines

14 May 2016

Dear all,
In addition to our deadline for submitting the case statement, two other deadlines are approaching. The first is the submission of session proposals for RDA Plenary 8 [1], which is due on May 29, the second is the submission of workshop proposals for the IEEE International Conference on Big Data 2016 [2], which is due on May 20.
At P8 we plan to have a working session featuring a couple short talks about state of the art technologies and standards enabling and supporting research data repository interoperability. Potential topics are, but not limited to:
- SWORD Protocol
- Re3data Schema
- Portland Common Data Model
- Linked Data Platform (LDP)
- Dariah Storage API
- Resource Sync
Therefore, we need experts familiar with one of these (or comparable) topics eager to give a short talk of about 10 minutes answering the following three questions:
1) What is the main purpose of the presented technology/standard? Which of this WG's use cases can be addressed by this technology/standard?
2) Which repository platforms already support the presented technology/standard or are there any other reference implementations available?
3) How would you assess the feasibility of the presented technology/standard for research data (big volumes, velocity and variety)?
We would appreciate if you could contribute with your expertise. Please contact me or David if you wish to give a talk. We'll provide you with more information as soon as the session proposal has been accepted and if we have any information regarding the review process of the case statement.
For the IEEE Big Data 2016 we plan to have a workshop on research data repository interoperability. This workshop will include the presentation of 6 accepted papers. The paper submission deadline will be October 10, assuming that the workshop proposal gets accepted. In order to achieve this it would be great if we could find some volunteers from this group to join the program committee of the workshop. Please contact me before May 20 if you wish to help as a member of the program committee during the review process.
Kind regards,
Thomas Jejkal and David Wilcox
Group Co-Chairs
[1] https://rd-alliance.org/plenaries/rda-eighth-plenary-meeting-denver-co/8...
[2] http://cci.drexel.edu/bigdata/bigdata2016/CallWorkshops.html
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  • Dom Fripp's picture

    Author: Dom Fripp

    Date: 25 May, 2016

    Hi there,

    I'm about to undertake a bit of work in the UK with the aim of refreshing the SWORD protocol for research data deposit and re-establishing a community around its use. There are others with more technical expertise than I in this but I would like to put it forward as a possible talk for your session.

    The work should be underway by the time the Plenary takes place so hope it would be interesting and current.


    Kind regards,

    Dom Fripp

    Senior Curation Metadata Developer - Jisc 

  • David Wilcox's picture

    Author: David Wilcox

    Date: 31 May, 2016

    Hi Dom,
    Thanks for your message - we would certainly be interested in a talk on the SWORD protocol at the meeting. Once we hear back from RDA on our meeting proposal we can start to put together a agenda for the presentations.
    David Wilcox
    Fedora Product Manager

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