Geospatial Data Science

01 Jul 2014
Groups audience: 

Hi all,
I would like to discuss ideas for putting together a working paper on "Geospatial Data Science" and its importance for both research ( geodata driven discovery, algorithms for location data mining , geospatial data harmonisation, geostatistical modelling, techniques for integrating both authoritative and crowd sourced data etc) and teaching (what are the curriculum requirements for teaching geospatial data driven discovery for future geoprofessionals).
RDA4 meeting of the Geospatial IG will be a good opportunity to plan this. If you are interested please let me know.
Best wishes,
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  • Maria Brovelli's picture

    Author: Maria Brovelli

    Date: 01 Jul, 2014

    Wonderful idea! Yes, I'm definitely interested!!
    Prof. Maria Antonia Brovelli
    Vice Rector for Como Campus - Politecnico di Milano
    Public Participation GIS: a FOSS architecture enabling field-data collection
    ISPRS WG IV/5 "Web and Cloud Based Geospatial Services and Applications" - Co-chair - OSGeo Charter Member - ICA - OSGeo Advisory Board Member - SIFET Scientific Commitee Member
    Via Natta, 12/14 - 22100 COMO (ITALIA)
    Tel. +39-031-3327336 - Mob. +39-328-0023867 - fax. +39-031-3327321
    e-mail1: ***@***.***
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    Da: suchith.anand=***@***.*** <***@***.***> per conto di suchith <***@***.***>
    Inviato: martedì 1 luglio 2014 13.23
    A: ***@***.***
    Oggetto: [rda-geospatial-ig] Geospatial Data Science
    Hi all,
    I would like to discuss ideas for putting together a working paper on "Geospatial Data Science" and its importance for both research ( geodata driven discovery, algorithms for location data mining , geospatial data harmonisation, geostatistical modelling, techniques for integrating both authoritative and crowd sourced data etc) and teaching (what are the curriculum requirements for teaching geospatial data driven discovery for future geoprofessionals).
    RDA4 meeting of the Geospatial IG will be a good opportunity to plan this. If you are interested please let me know.
    Best wishes,
    This message and any attachment are intended solely for the addressee and may contain confidential information. If you have received this message in error, please send it back to me, and immediately delete it. Please do not use, copy or disclose the information contained in this message or in any attachment. Any views or opinions expressed by the author of this email do not necessarily reflect the views of the University of Nottingham.
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  • Anthony Beck's picture

    Author: Anthony Beck

    Date: 01 Jul, 2014

    Can we extend this beyond academia (research/teaching) to a more general
    platform ("Geospatial data science for all")?

  • kobben's picture

    Author: kobben (not verified)

    Date: 01 Jul, 2014

    I am certainly interesting in co-operating, especially in the educational
    part. As the RDA4 meeting is "in my backyard" I planned to join that
    Barend Köbben
    ITC - University of Twente
    PO Box 217, 7500AE Enschede (The Netherlands)
    +31-(0)53 4874 253

  • Suchith Anand's picture

    Author: Suchith Anand

    Date: 01 Jul, 2014

    Excellent. Thanks all. I am already seeing great interest from many people from both the posting and emails recieved. I will also open this to ideas from the wider community and we can plan ideas for building collaborations for the future.


    Barend - we will add this as a theme for the "Open Geospatial Science and applications" special issue also.


  • Seraphim Alvanides's picture

    Author: Seraphim Alvanides

    Date: 01 Jul, 2014

    Please count me in Suchith




    Dr Seraphim Alvanides, Reader, Engineering and Environment

    Northumbria University, Newcastle  NE1 8ST, United Kingdom

    Associate Editor: Journal of Transport & Health


  • Luciene Delazari's picture

    Author: Luciene Delazari

    Date: 01 Jul, 2014

    Hi Suchith,
    I am interest. Do you know the due for this paper?
    2014-07-01 12:23 GMT+01:00 suchith <***@***.***>:

  • Suchith Anand's picture

    Author: Suchith Anand

    Date: 01 Jul, 2014

    Hi Luciene,
    Thanks. I am aiming this for end of 2014 in time for submitting to the special issue journal on "Open Geospatial Science and Applications" . This will be a good position paper.
    - Show quoted text -From: luciene.delazari=***@***.*** [luciene.delazari=***@***.***] On Behalf Of LucieneDelazari [***@***.***]
    Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2014 4:26 PM
    To: ***@***.***
    Subject: Re: [rda-geospatial-ig] Geospatial Data Science
    Hi Suchith,
    I am interest. Do you know the due for this paper?
    2014-07-01 12:23 GMT+01:00 suchith <***@***.***>:
    Hi all,
    I would like to discuss ideas for putting together a working paper on "Geospatial Data Science" and its importance for both research ( geodata driven discovery, algorithms for location data mining , geospatial data harmonisation, geostatistical modelling, techniques for integrating both authoritative and crowd sourced data etc) and teaching (what are the curriculum requirements for teaching geospatial data driven discovery for future geoprofessionals).
    RDA4 meeting of the Geospatial IG will be a good opportunity to plan this. If you are interested please let me know.
    Best wishes,
    This message and any attachment are intended solely for the addressee and may contain confidential information. If you have received this message in error, please send it back to me, and immediately delete it. Please do not use, copy or disclose the information contained in this message or in any attachment. Any views or opinions expressed by the author of this email do not necessarily reflect the views of the University of Nottingham.
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  • Dawn Wright's picture

    Author: Dawn Wright

    Date: 01 Jul, 2014

    I am interested too Suchith!
    Many thanks,
    Dawn Wright, Ph.D., GISP, Esri Chief Scientist
    Esri | 380 New York Street | Redlands, CA 92373 | USA
    T 909 793 2853 x2182 | ***@***.*** | | | @deepseadawn
    On 7/1/14, 4:43 AM, "maria" <***@***.***> wrote:
    Wonderful idea! Yes, I'm definitely interested!!
    Prof. Maria Antonia Brovelli
    Vice Rector for Como Campus - Politecnico di Milano
    Public Participation GIS: a FOSS architecture enabling field-data collection
    ISPRS WG IV/5 "Web and Cloud Based Geospatial Services and Applications" - Co-chair - OSGeo Charter Member - ICA - OSGeo Advisory Board Member - SIFET Scientific Commitee Member
    Via Natta, 12/14 - 22100 COMO (ITALIA)
    Tel. +39-031-3327336 - Mob. +39-328-0023867 - fax. +39-031-3327321
    e-mail1: ***@***.***
    e-mail2: ***@***.***
    Da: suchith.anand=***@***.*** <***@***.***> per conto di suchith <***@***.***>
    Inviato: martedì 1 luglio 2014 13.23
    A: ***@***.***
    Oggetto: [rda-geospatial-ig] Geospatial Data Science
    Hi all,
    I would like to discuss ideas for putting together a working paper on "Geospatial Data Science" and its importance for both research ( geodata driven discovery, algorithms for location data mining , geospatial data harmonisation, geostatistical modelling, techniques for integrating both authoritative and crowd sourced data etc) and teaching (what are the curriculum requirements for teaching geospatial data driven discovery for future geoprofessionals).
    RDA4 meeting of the Geospatial IG will be a good opportunity to plan this. If you are interested please let me know.
    Best wishes,
    This message and any attachment are intended solely for the addressee and may contain confidential information. If you have received this message in error, please send it back to me, and immediately delete it. Please do not use, copy or disclose the information contained in this message or in any attachment. Any views or opinions expressed by the author of this email do not necessarily reflect the views of the University of Nottingham.
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  • Serena Coetzee's picture

    Author: Serena Coetzee

    Date: 01 Jul, 2014

    Dear all, 

    I would also be interested in collaborating, though will have to contribute electronically. 


    Serena Coetzee

    Geography Building 3-5
    Centre for Geoinformation Science, Department Geography, Geoinformatics and Meteorology, University of Pretoria, Private Bag X20, Hatfield, 0028, South Africa
    email: ***@***.*** Web: 
    Mobile: +27 82 464 4294 · Tel: +27 12 420 3823 · Fax: +27 12 420 6385

    On 01 Jul 2014, at 14:13 , kobben wrote:
    I am certainly interesting in co-operating, especially in the educationalpart. As the RDA4 meeting is "in my backyard" I planned to join thatanyway.Yours,Barend--Barend Köbben ITC - University of TwentePO Box 217, 7500AE Enschede (The Netherlands)+31-(0)53 4874 253@barendkobbenOn 01-07-14 13:23, "suchith" <***@***.***> wrote:

    Hi all,

    I would like to discuss ideas for putting together a working paper on

    "Geospatial Data Science" and its importance for both research ( geodata

    driven discovery,  algorithms for location data mining , geospatial data

    harmonisation, geostatistical

    modelling,  techniques for integrating both authoritative and crowd

    sourced data etc) and teaching (what are the curriculum requirements for

    teaching geospatial  data driven discovery for future geoprofessionals).

    RDA4 meeting of the Geospatial IG will be a good opportunity to plan

    this. If you are interested please let me know.

    Best wishes,


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    in error, please send it back to me, and immediately delete it.   Please

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    contained in this message or in any attachment.  Any views or opinions

    expressed by the author of this email do not necessarily reflect the

    views of the University of Nottingham.

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    be monitored as permitted by UK legislation.

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  • Andrew Hunter's picture

    Author: Andrew Hunter

    Date: 01 Jul, 2014

    Hi Suchith
    I would be interested in this work but would also have to participate electronically.
    Andrew Hunter

  • Vyron Antoniou's picture

    Author: Vyron Antoniou

    Date: 01 Jul, 2014

    Hi Suchith

    Please count me in as well, especially regarding the issues around VGI, crowdsourced data and impact to communities.

    Also, relevant to these subjects, please find here: a recently published report about crowdsourced geographic information use in government. The report was commissioned by the World Bank and was presented yesterday during the Understanding Risk Forum in London.


    All the best


  • Peter Baumann's picture

    Author: Peter Baumann

    Date: 02 Jul, 2014

    Hi Suchith,
    your idea obviously is an overwhelming success! Should you still have space for
    spatio-temporal datacube modelling and analysis and/or OGC Big Data standards,
    I'd gladly join the crowd.

  • Tuong-Thuy Vu's picture

    Author: Tuong-Thuy Vu

    Date: 02 Jul, 2014

    Count me in. Thanks Suchith.
    Dr. Tuong-Thuy Vu, Docent
    Secretary, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Malaysia chapter
    Associate Professor, School of Geography
    University of Nottingham, Malaysia campus
    On Wed, Jul 2, 2014 at 10:49 AM, pebau

  • Parinaz Ameri's picture

    Author: Parinaz Ameri

    Date: 02 Jul, 2014

    Hi Suchith,
    I am also interested to cooperate, with my experiences from climate data
    I have to participate electronically.
    From: suchith.anand=***@***.***
    [mailto:***@***.***] On Behalf Of suchith
    Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2014 1:23 PM
    To: ***@***.***
    Subject: [rda-geospatial-ig] Geospatial Data Science
    Hi all,
    I would like to discuss ideas for putting together a working paper on
    "Geospatial Data Science" and its importance for both research ( geodata
    driven discovery, algorithms for location data mining , geospatial data
    harmonisation, geostatistical modelling, techniques for integrating both
    authoritative and crowd sourced data etc) and teaching (what are the
    curriculum requirements for teaching geospatial data driven discovery for
    future geoprofessionals).
    RDA4 meeting of the Geospatial IG will be a good opportunity to plan this.
    If you are interested please let me know.
    Best wishes,
    This message and any attachment are intended solely for the addressee and
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  • Bente Lilja Bye's picture

    Author: Bente Lilja Bye

    Date: 02 Jul, 2014

    Dear Suchith,
    Thanks for this initiative. You can count me in too. :-)
    I will be attending at least part of the Amsterdam plenary.
    Bente Lilja Bye 碧珺
    CEO/BLBTel: +47 97047001Skype:
    Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2014 13:23:13 +0200
    To: ***@***.***
    From: ***@***.***
    Subject: [rda-geospatial-ig] Geospatial Data Science
    Hi all, I would like to discuss ideas for putting together a working paper on "Geospatial Data Science" and its importance for both research ( geodata driven discovery, algorithms for location data mining , geospatial data harmonisation, geostatistical modelling, techniques for integrating both authoritative and crowd sourced data etc) and teaching (what are the curriculum requirements for teaching geospatial data driven discovery for future geoprofessionals). RDA4 meeting of the Geospatial IG will be a good opportunity to plan this. If you are interested please let me know. Best wishes, Suchith
    This message and any attachment are intended solely for the addressee and may contain confidential information. If you have received this message in error, please send it back to me, and immediately delete it. Please do not use, copy or disclose the information contained in this message or in any attachment. Any views or opinions expressed by the author of this email do not necessarily reflect the views of the University of Nottingham.
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  • Parinaz Ameri's picture

    Author: Parinaz Ameri

    Date: 02 Jul, 2014

    Hi Suchith,
    I am also interested to cooperate, with my experiences from climate data
    I have to participate electronically.
    From: suchith.anand=***@***.***
    [mailto:***@***.***] On Behalf Of suchith
    Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2014 1:23 PM
    To: ***@***.***
    Subject: [rda-geospatial-ig] Geospatial Data Science
    Hi all,
    I would like to discuss ideas for putting together a working paper on
    "Geospatial Data Science" and its importance for both research ( geodata
    driven discovery, algorithms for location data mining , geospatial data
    harmonisation, geostatistical modelling, techniques for integrating both
    authoritative and crowd sourced data etc) and teaching (what are the
    curriculum requirements for teaching geospatial data driven discovery for
    future geoprofessionals).
    RDA4 meeting of the Geospatial IG will be a good opportunity to plan this.
    If you are interested please let me know.
    Best wishes,
    This message and any attachment are intended solely for the addressee and
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  • Parinaz Ameri's picture

    Author: Parinaz Ameri

    Date: 02 Jul, 2014

    Hi Suchith,
    I am also interested to cooperate, with my experiences from climate data
    I have to participate electronically.
    From: suchith.anand=***@***.***
    [mailto:***@***.***] On Behalf Of suchith
    Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2014 1:23 PM
    To: ***@***.***
    Subject: [rda-geospatial-ig] Geospatial Data Science
    Hi all,
    I would like to discuss ideas for putting together a working paper on
    "Geospatial Data Science" and its importance for both research ( geodata
    driven discovery, algorithms for location data mining , geospatial data
    harmonisation, geostatistical modelling, techniques for integrating both
    authoritative and crowd sourced data etc) and teaching (what are the
    curriculum requirements for teaching geospatial data driven discovery for
    future geoprofessionals).
    RDA4 meeting of the Geospatial IG will be a good opportunity to plan this.
    If you are interested please let me know.
    Best wishes,
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  • Parinaz Ameri's picture

    Author: Parinaz Ameri

    Date: 02 Jul, 2014

    Hi Suchith,
    I am also interested to cooperate, with my experiences from climate data
    I have to participate electronically.
    From: suchith.anand=***@***.***
    [mailto:***@***.***] On Behalf Of suchith
    Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2014 1:23 PM
    To: ***@***.***
    Subject: [rda-geospatial-ig] Geospatial Data Science
    Hi all,
    I would like to discuss ideas for putting together a working paper on
    "Geospatial Data Science" and its importance for both research ( geodata
    driven discovery, algorithms for location data mining , geospatial data
    harmonisation, geostatistical modelling, techniques for integrating both
    authoritative and crowd sourced data etc) and teaching (what are the
    curriculum requirements for teaching geospatial data driven discovery for
    future geoprofessionals).
    RDA4 meeting of the Geospatial IG will be a good opportunity to plan this.
    If you are interested please let me know.
    Best wishes,
    This message and any attachment are intended solely for the addressee and
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  • Parinaz Ameri's picture

    Author: Parinaz Ameri

    Date: 02 Jul, 2014

    Hi Suchith,
    I am also interested to cooperate, with my experiences from climate data
    I have to participate electronically.
    From: suchith.anand=***@***.***
    [mailto:***@***.***] On Behalf Of suchith
    Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2014 1:23 PM
    To: ***@***.***
    Subject: [rda-geospatial-ig] Geospatial Data Science
    Hi all,
    I would like to discuss ideas for putting together a working paper on
    "Geospatial Data Science" and its importance for both research ( geodata
    driven discovery, algorithms for location data mining , geospatial data
    harmonisation, geostatistical modelling, techniques for integrating both
    authoritative and crowd sourced data etc) and teaching (what are the
    curriculum requirements for teaching geospatial data driven discovery for
    future geoprofessionals).
    RDA4 meeting of the Geospatial IG will be a good opportunity to plan this.
    If you are interested please let me know.
    Best wishes,
    This message and any attachment are intended solely for the addressee and
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  • Suchith Anand's picture

    Author: Suchith Anand

    Date: 02 Jul, 2014

    Dear All,

    Thank you for your strong support and it is great to see all of you already doing excellent research in this and i hope our paper will not only be start of bringing together these excellent ideas from different perspectives/disciplines but also will be great opportunity to plan future collaborations.

    I got an excellent suggestion from Mike Jackson that we should plan two papers one addressing research and the other teaching as otherwise it may become too long and complex. I think this is true, so we will focus our first paper on  the research aspects and then we will look into teaching (curriculum developments) seperately.

    We now got the following collaborators for our paper (please bring to my attention if i missed anyone). I also tried to put the key area of expertise of each of you as far as i know (please feel free to let me know any updates) which will be useful for this paper.

    • Maria Brovelli (Geodesy)
    • Anthony Beck (Archaeology)
    • Gregory Giuliani (SDI)
    • Parinaz Ameri (Big Data, climate data management.)
    • Vyron Antoniou (VGI, crowdsourced data and impact to communities)
    • Godwin Yeboah (Transport)
    • Andrew Hunter ( Spatial Information)
    • Alex Singleton (geodemographics)
    • Serena Coetzee (SDI)
    • Dawn Wright (Oceans)
    • Luciene Delazari (cartographic visualization, interface design for cartographic products and automated cartographic design)
    • Seraphim Alvanides (Transport, Health)
    • Barend Kobben (Cartography)
    • Bente Lilja Bye ( Earth observations, data policy, data citation, data quality)
    • Mark Ware (Optimization, Generalization)
    • Tuong Thuy Vu (Remote Sensing data, Earth Observation)
    • Peter Baumann (Big Data)
    • Suchith Anand (Integrating authoritative and VGI data)

    So what are the next steps

    1. I will start preparing the outline structure for our paper, trying to include sections of all key research areas you all are working. I aim to email this in the next week or so and then all of you can start adding your research ideas into the various sections. Once we have inputs from all of you , we can then do  iterations to make it consistent.

    2. We will also arrange webconference through the RDA facilities, so we can discuss ideas.

    I will be in touch seperately on this.

    Best wishes,



  • Maria Brovelli's picture

    Author: Maria Brovelli

    Date: 02 Jul, 2014

    Suchith, I propose you to put for me "GeoWeb Rich Visualisation" as a main topic.
    Many thanks!
    Prof. Maria Antonia Brovelli
    Vice Rector for Como Campus - Politecnico di Milano
    Public Participation GIS: a FOSS architecture enabling field-data collection
    ISPRS WG IV/5 "Web and Cloud Based Geospatial Services and Applications" - Co-chair - OSGeo Charter Member - ICA - OSGeo Advisory Board Member - SIFET Scientific Commitee Member
    Via Natta, 12/14 - 22100 COMO (ITALIA)
    Tel. +39-031-3327336 - Mob. +39-328-0023867 - fax. +39-031-3327321
    e-mail1: ***@***.***
    e-mail2: ***@***.***
    Da: suchith.anand=***@***.*** <***@***.***> per conto di suchith <***@***.***>
    Inviato: mercoledì 2 luglio 2014 13.42
    A: Geospatial IG
    Oggetto: Re: [rda-geospatial-ig] Geospatial Data Science
    Dear All,
    Thank you for your strong support and it is great to see all of you already doing excellent research in this and i hope our paper will not only be start of bringing together these excellent ideas from different perspectives/disciplines but also will be great opportunity to plan future collaborations.
    I got an excellent suggestion from Mike Jackson that we should plan two papers one addressing research and the other teaching as otherwise it may become too long and complex. I think this is true, so we will focus our first paper on the research aspects and then we will look into teaching (curriculum developments) seperately.
    We now got the following collaborators for our paper (please bring to my attention if i missed anyone). I also tried to put the key area of expertise of each of you as far as i know (please feel free to let me know any updates) which will be useful for this paper.
    * Maria Brovelli (Geodesy)
    * Anthony Beck (Archaeology)
    * Gregory Giuliani (SDI)
    * Parinaz Ameri (Big Data, climate data management.)
    * Vyron Antoniou (VGI, crowdsourced data and impact to communities)
    * Godwin Yeboah (Transport)
    * Andrew Hunter ( Spatial Information)
    * Alex Singleton (geodemographics)
    * Serena Coetzee (SDI)
    * Dawn Wright (Oceans)
    * Luciene Delazari (cartographic visualization, interface design for cartographic products and automated cartographic design)
    * Seraphim Alvanides (Transport, Health)
    * Barend Kobben (Cartography)
    * Bente Lilja Bye ( Earth observations, data policy, data citation, data quality)
    * Mark Ware (Optimization, Generalization)
    * Tuong Thuy Vu (Remote Sensing data, Earth Observation)
    * Peter Baumann (Big Data)
    * Suchith Anand (Integrating authoritative and VGI data)
    So what are the next steps
    1. I will start preparing the outline structure for our paper, trying to include sections of all key research areas you all are working. I aim to email this in the next week or so and then all of you can start adding your research ideas into the various sections. Once we have inputs from all of you , we can then do iterations to make it consistent.
    2. We will also arrange webconference through the RDA facilities, so we can discuss ideas.
    I will be in touch seperately on this.
    Best wishes,
    Full post:
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  • Hermann Klug's picture

    Author: Hermann Klug

    Date: 02 Jul, 2014

    Dear Suchid,
    I would be interested as well but presently I am a bit unresponsive due to AGIT and GI_Forum conference we are hosting for approx. 1200 people this week.
    Sent from Samsung Mobile
    -------- Original message --------
    From: suchith
    Date:02/07/2014 13:42 (GMT+01:00)
    To: Geospatial IG
    Subject: Re: [rda-geospatial-ig] Geospatial Data Science
    Dear All,
    Thank you for your strong support and it is great to see all of you already doing excellent research in this and i hope our paper will not only be start of bringing together these excellent ideas from different perspectives/disciplines but also will be great opportunity to plan future collaborations.
    I got an excellent suggestion from Mike Jackson that we should plan two papers one addressing research and the other teaching as otherwise it may become too long and complex. I think this is true, so we will focus our first paper on the research aspects and then we will look into teaching (curriculum developments) seperately.
    We now got the following collaborators for our paper (please bring to my attention if i missed anyone). I also tried to put the key area of expertise of each of you as far as i know (please feel free to let me know any updates) which will be useful for this paper.
    * Maria Brovelli (Geodesy)
    * Anthony Beck (Archaeology)
    * Gregory Giuliani (SDI)
    * Parinaz Ameri (Big Data, climate data management.)
    * Vyron Antoniou (VGI, crowdsourced data and impact to communities)
    * Godwin Yeboah (Transport)
    * Andrew Hunter ( Spatial Information)
    * Alex Singleton (geodemographics)
    * Serena Coetzee (SDI)
    * Dawn Wright (Oceans)
    * Luciene Delazari (cartographic visualization, interface design for cartographic products and automated cartographic design)
    * Seraphim Alvanides (Transport, Health)
    * Barend Kobben (Cartography)
    * Bente Lilja Bye ( Earth observations, data policy, data citation, data quality)
    * Mark Ware (Optimization, Generalization)
    * Tuong Thuy Vu (Remote Sensing data, Earth Observation)
    * Peter Baumann (Big Data)
    * Suchith Anand (Integrating authoritative and VGI data)
    So what are the next steps
    1. I will start preparing the outline structure for our paper, trying to include sections of all key research areas you all are working. I aim to email this in the next week or so and then all of you can start adding your research ideas into the various sections. Once we have inputs from all of you , we can then do iterations to make it consistent.
    2. We will also arrange webconference through the RDA facilities, so we can discuss ideas.
    I will be in touch seperately on this.
    Best wishes,
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  • Maria Brovelli's picture

    Author: Maria Brovelli

    Date: 02 Jul, 2014

    I can better explain: at the beginning of my scientific life I studied geodesy (specifically radar-altimetry) but then I moved to GIS and Digital Terrain Models. In the last years I have been working on Geoweb Visualisation and Virtual Globes and very recently also on geocrowdsourcing.
    That's the reason why in my opinion geovisualisation is more representative of me.
    Many thanks for your patience!!!
    And many thanks for your coordination!
    Prof. Maria Antonia Brovelli
    Vice Rector for Como Campus - Politecnico di Milano
    Public Participation GIS: a FOSS architecture enabling field-data collection
    ISPRS WG IV/5 "Web and Cloud Based Geospatial Services and Applications" - Co-chair - OSGeo Charter Member - ICA - OSGeo Advisory Board Member - SIFET Scientific Commitee Member
    Via Natta, 12/14 - 22100 COMO (ITALIA)
    Tel. +39-031-3327336 - Mob. +39-328-0023867 - fax. +39-031-3327321
    e-mail1: ***@***.***
    e-mail2: ***@***.***
    Da: suchith.anand=***@***.*** <***@***.***> per conto di suchith <***@***.***>
    Inviato: mercoledì 2 luglio 2014 13.42
    A: Geospatial IG
    Oggetto: Re: [rda-geospatial-ig] Geospatial Data Science
    Dear All,
    Thank you for your strong support and it is great to see all of you already doing excellent research in this and i hope our paper will not only be start of bringing together these excellent ideas from different perspectives/disciplines but also will be great opportunity to plan future collaborations.
    I got an excellent suggestion from Mike Jackson that we should plan two papers one addressing research and the other teaching as otherwise it may become too long and complex. I think this is true, so we will focus our first paper on the research aspects and then we will look into teaching (curriculum developments) seperately.
    We now got the following collaborators for our paper (please bring to my attention if i missed anyone). I also tried to put the key area of expertise of each of you as far as i know (please feel free to let me know any updates) which will be useful for this paper.
    * Maria Brovelli (Geodesy)
    * Anthony Beck (Archaeology)
    * Gregory Giuliani (SDI)
    * Parinaz Ameri (Big Data, climate data management.)
    * Vyron Antoniou (VGI, crowdsourced data and impact to communities)
    * Godwin Yeboah (Transport)
    * Andrew Hunter ( Spatial Information)
    * Alex Singleton (geodemographics)
    * Serena Coetzee (SDI)
    * Dawn Wright (Oceans)
    * Luciene Delazari (cartographic visualization, interface design for cartographic products and automated cartographic design)
    * Seraphim Alvanides (Transport, Health)
    * Barend Kobben (Cartography)
    * Bente Lilja Bye ( Earth observations, data policy, data citation, data quality)
    * Mark Ware (Optimization, Generalization)
    * Tuong Thuy Vu (Remote Sensing data, Earth Observation)
    * Peter Baumann (Big Data)
    * Suchith Anand (Integrating authoritative and VGI data)
    So what are the next steps
    1. I will start preparing the outline structure for our paper, trying to include sections of all key research areas you all are working. I aim to email this in the next week or so and then all of you can start adding your research ideas into the various sections. Once we have inputs from all of you , we can then do iterations to make it consistent.
    2. We will also arrange webconference through the RDA facilities, so we can discuss ideas.
    I will be in touch seperately on this.
    Best wishes,
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  • Conor Smyth's picture

    Author: Conor Smyth

    Date: 02 Jul, 2014

    Happy to contribute/participate on this from SDI/service delivery level (for research and T&L).
    Conor G. Smyth, PhD, FRGS, CGeog(GIS)
    Head of Research and Geodata Services
    EDINA, University of Edinburgh
    Causewayside House
    160, Causewayside
    EH9 1PR
    Tel: +44 (0)131 6 511229 (Mobile 07740252047)
    - Show quoted text -From: suchith.anand=***@***.*** [mailto:***@***.***] On Behalf Of suchith
    Sent: 02 July 2014 12:42
    To: Geospatial IG
    Subject: Re: [rda-geospatial-ig] Geospatial Data Science
    Dear All,
    Thank you for your strong support and it is great to see all of you already doing excellent research in this and i hope our paper will not only be start of bringing together these excellent ideas from different perspectives/disciplines but also will be great opportunity to plan future collaborations.
    I got an excellent suggestion from Mike Jackson that we should plan two papers one addressing research and the other teaching as otherwise it may become too long and complex. I think this is true, so we will focus our first paper on the research aspects and then we will look into teaching (curriculum developments) seperately.
    We now got the following collaborators for our paper (please bring to my attention if i missed anyone). I also tried to put the key area of expertise of each of you as far as i know (please feel free to let me know any updates) which will be useful for this paper.
    * Maria Brovelli (Geodesy)
    * Anthony Beck (Archaeology)
    * Gregory Giuliani (SDI)
    * Parinaz Ameri (Big Data, climate data management.)
    * Vyron Antoniou (VGI, crowdsourced data and impact to communities)
    * Godwin Yeboah (Transport)
    * Andrew Hunter ( Spatial Information)
    * Alex Singleton (geodemographics)
    * Serena Coetzee (SDI)
    * Dawn Wright (Oceans)
    * Luciene Delazari (cartographic visualization, interface design for cartographic products and automated cartographic design)
    * Seraphim Alvanides (Transport, Health)
    * Barend Kobben (Cartography)
    * Bente Lilja Bye ( Earth observations, data policy, data citation, data quality)
    * Mark Ware (Optimization, Generalization)
    * Tuong Thuy Vu (Remote Sensing data, Earth Observation)
    * Peter Baumann (Big Data)
    * Suchith Anand (Integrating authoritative and VGI data)
    So what are the next steps
    1. I will start preparing the outline structure for our paper, trying to include sections of all key research areas you all are working. I aim to email this in the next week or so and then all of you can start adding your research ideas into the various sections. Once we have inputs from all of you , we can then do iterations to make it consistent.
    2. We will also arrange webconference through the RDA facilities, so we can discuss ideas.
    I will be in touch seperately on this.
    Best wishes,
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  • Aaron Addison's picture

    Author: Aaron Addison

    Date: 02 Jul, 2014

    I would also be interested in participating in the areas of big data, data management and data policy.
    Aaron Addison | Director, Data & GIS Services
    University Libraries | Washington University in St. Louis
    1 Brookings Drive CB 1061 | St. Louis, MO 63130-4899
    T: 314 935 6198 | E:***@***.***
    - Show quoted text -From: suchith.anand=***@***.*** <***@***.***> on behalf of suchith <***@***.***>
    Sent: Wednesday, July 2, 2014 6:42 AM
    To: Geospatial IG
    Subject: Re: [rda-geospatial-ig] Geospatial Data Science
    Dear All,
    Thank you for your strong support and it is great to see all of you already doing excellent research in this and i hope our paper will not only be start of bringing together these excellent ideas from different perspectives/disciplines but also will be great opportunity to plan future collaborations.
    I got an excellent suggestion from Mike Jackson that we should plan two papers one addressing research and the other teaching as otherwise it may become too long and complex. I think this is true, so we will focus our first paper on the research aspects and then we will look into teaching (curriculum developments) seperately.
    We now got the following collaborators for our paper (please bring to my attention if i missed anyone). I also tried to put the key area of expertise of each of you as far as i know (please feel free to let me know any updates) which will be useful for this paper.
    * Maria Brovelli (Geodesy)
    * Anthony Beck (Archaeology)
    * Gregory Giuliani (SDI)
    * Parinaz Ameri (Big Data, climate data management.)
    * Vyron Antoniou (VGI, crowdsourced data and impact to communities)
    * Godwin Yeboah (Transport)
    * Andrew Hunter ( Spatial Information)
    * Alex Singleton (geodemographics)
    * Serena Coetzee (SDI)
    * Dawn Wright (Oceans)
    * Luciene Delazari (cartographic visualization, interface design for cartographic products and automated cartographic design)
    * Seraphim Alvanides (Transport, Health)
    * Barend Kobben (Cartography)
    * Bente Lilja Bye ( Earth observations, data policy, data citation, data quality)
    * Mark Ware (Optimization, Generalization)
    * Tuong Thuy Vu (Remote Sensing data, Earth Observation)
    * Peter Baumann (Big Data)
    * Suchith Anand (Integrating authoritative and VGI data)
    So what are the next steps
    1. I will start preparing the outline structure for our paper, trying to include sections of all key research areas you all are working. I aim to email this in the next week or so and then all of you can start adding your research ideas into the various sections. Once we have inputs from all of you , we can then do iterations to make it consistent.
    2. We will also arrange webconference through the RDA facilities, so we can discuss ideas.
    I will be in touch seperately on this.
    Best wishes,
    Full post:
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  • Murat Komesli's picture

    Author: Murat Komesli

    Date: 03 Jul, 2014

    Hello Suchith,

    I will be happier to participate on this effort on "Geo Ontology development" and "Interoperability" issues.

    Best Regards,



    Assoc. Prof. Murat Komesli (PhD)

    Yasar University

    Software Engineering Department

    Universite Cad. No:35

    35500 Bornova, Izmir-TURKEY

    Tel:+90 232 411 52 92

    Fax:+90 232 374 54 74

  • Mohammed Abdur  Razzak's picture

    Author: Mohammed Abdur ...

    Date: 05 Jul, 2014

    The communities of researchers in data science and geospatial business intelligence investigate for location based  services in macro public services. An important segment is still unexplored and that is location profiling.

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