[rda-bigdata-ig] BIG DATA ANALYTICS INTEREST GROUP - Call for Contributions & Telcon Tomorrow

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30 Jun 2014
Groups audience: 

as you see below we requested two sessions at the next plenary,
which will be important to show some results!
Given some discussions among the chairs and beyond
we have already defined some output presentations
in several domain-specific fields from our members.
However, we also would like to open the floor to anyone
in our groupt that would like to present some results
from analytics use cases using research data.
In order to discuss your contributions and a suitable format
of expected recommendations given our group template,
we have an initial telcon tomorrow:
1 July
Tuesday 16:00 CET
We will use the RDA facilities for audio, and
another system for screen-sharing that will
be circulated soon.
A high participation is appreciated.
Take care,
Morris, Kuo, Peter
Von: m.riedel=***@***.***-groups.org [mailto:***@***.***-groups.org] Im Auftrag von morrisriedel
Gesendet: Montag, 30. Juni 2014 10:46
An: Big Data Analytics IG
Following the succesful sessions at the previous RDA plenaries with an ever increasing amount of participatns and active contributors and the scheme of this 4th plenary, the session of the Big Data Analytics Interest Group will focus on clear results. Recommendations from the analytics field using various technologies (map-reduce, MPI, array databases, etc.) for solving analytical challenges from communities (remote sensing images, earth science, brain analytics, NASA event analytics, twitter data analytics etc.) using real research data will be presented.
The talks will be complementary to the group outcome of recommendation and best practice documents that are structured using a well-defined template and reports that are structured according to the Cross Industry Standard Process for Data Mining (CRISP-DM). Moreover, the majority of approaches will be available for the community to use as a "template process" for performing their own analytics since the demonstrated data will be open and codes for performing the presented analytics are open source too. This enables new researchers to use the output of the Big Data Analytics IG and its use cases as blueprint for their own domain-specific analytics challenges.
The overall goal of this very important 4th plenary session willthus be to show with key results what 'Big Data Analytics' really means in practice and how it relates to approaches such as High Throughput Computing/High Performance Computing, Machine Learning, Data Mining, and Signal Processing. The results will play an enormous role in giving advice to researchers what is possible in 'data science' today using cutting edge technologies and parallel scalable approaches for data processing.
A tentative agenda is as follows:
Introduction & Welcome
Results from a wide variety analytics use cases on research data (see wiki)
Update from Big Data Infrastructure Working Group
Update on ISO Activities : SQL/MDA & Multi-Deminsional Array in SQL
Ideas for further BDA WGs with specific goals
Time and Action Plan for the next months
Please let us know whether you require more information about the session for an approval.
The session will be administratively supported by a "Big Data Analytics IG Secretary" called Markus Götz responsible for note taking and making material available after the event.
Big Data Analytics IG
Full post: https://rd-alliance.org/big-data-analytics-interest-group.html
Manage my subscriptions: https://rd-alliance.org/mailinglist
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Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH
52425 Juelich
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Juelich
Eingetragen im Handelsregister des Amtsgerichts Dueren Nr. HR B 3498
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: MinDir Dr. Karl Eugen Huthmacher
Geschaeftsfuehrung: Prof. Dr. Achim Bachem (Vorsitzender),
Karsten Beneke (stellv. Vorsitzender), Prof. Dr.-Ing. Harald Bolt,
Prof. Dr. Sebastian M. Schmidt

  • Giuseppe Andronico's picture

    Author: Giuseppe Andronico

    Date: 30 Jun, 2014

    Dear Morris,
    sorry but I am at the cloud 2014 conference and I am not able to participate at the phone.
    By the way finally the biggest duty is almost finished, I should have the new infrastructure in place by the end of September and by that date I should be able to have started some analytics activity on a part of the infrastructure (storage + cores) based on IB 56 Gbs.
    I am managing to be at the next summit and I hope to meet you there.
    Best regards
    Giuseppe Andronico
    ----- Messaggio originale -----
    Da: "morrisriedel" <***@***.***-juelich.de>
    A: ***@***.***-groups.org
    Cc: "Markus" <***@***.***-juelich.de>
    Inviato: Lunedì, 30 giugno 2014 10:52:24
    Oggetto: [rda-bigdata-ig] [rda-bigdata-ig] BIG DATA ANALYTICS INTEREST GROUP - Call for Contributions & Telcon Tomorrow
    as you see below we requested two sessions at the next plenary,
    which will be important to show some results!
    Given some discussions among the chairs and beyond
    we have already defined some output presentations
    in several domain-specific fields from our members.
    However, we also would like to open the floor to anyone
    in our groupt that would like to present some results
    from analytics use cases using research data.
    In order to discuss your contributions and a suitable format
    of expected recommendations given our group template,
    we have an initial telcon tomorrow:
    1 July
    Tuesday 16:00 CET
    We will use the RDA facilities for audio, and
    another system for screen-sharing that will
    be circulated soon.
    A high participation is appreciated.
    Take care,
    Morris, Kuo, Peter
    Von: m.riedel=***@***.***-groups.org [mailto:m.riedel=fz-ju ***@***.***-groups.org] Im Auftrag von morrisriedel
    Gesendet: Montag, 30. Juni 2014 10:46
    An: Big Data Analytics IG
    Betreff: [rda-bigdata-ig] BIG DATA ANALYTICS INTEREST GROUP
    Following the succesful sessions at the previous RDA plenaries with an ever increasing amount of participatns and active contributors and the scheme of this 4th plenary, the session of the Big Data Analytics Interest Group will focus on clear results. Recommendations from the analytics field using various technologies (map-reduce, MPI, array databases, etc.) for solving analytical challenges from communities (remote sensing images, earth science, brain analytics, NASA event analytics, twitter data analytics etc.) using real research data will be presented.
    The talks will be complementary to the group outcome of recommendation and best practice documents that are structured using a well-defined template and reports that are structured according to the Cross Industry Standard Process for Data Mining (CRISP-DM). Moreover, the majority of approaches will be available for the community to use as a "template process" for performing their own analytics since the demonstrated data will be open and codes for performing the presented analytics are open source too. This enables new researchers to use the output of the Big Data Analytics IG and its use cases as blueprint for their own domain-specific analytics challenges.
    The overall goal of this very important 4th plenary session willthus be to show with key results what 'Big Data Analytics' really means in practice and how it relates to approaches such as High Throughput Computing/High Performance Computing, Machine Learning, Data Mining, and Signal Processing. The results will play an enormous role in giving advice to researchers what is possible in 'data science' today using cutting edge technologies and parallel scalable approaches for data processing.
    A tentative agenda is as follows:
    Introduction & Welcome
    Results from a wide variety analytics use cases on research data (see wiki)
    Update from Big Data Infrastructure Working Group
    Update on ISO Activities : SQL/MDA & Multi-Deminsional Array in SQL
    Ideas for further BDA WGs with specific goals
    Time and Action Plan for the next months
    Please let us know whether you require more information about the session for an approval.
    The session will be administratively supported by a "Big Data Analytics IG Secretary" called Markus Götz responsible for note taking and making material available after the event.
    Big Data Analytics IG
    Full post: https://rd-alliance.org/big-data-analytics-interest-group.html
    Manage my subscriptions: https://rd-alliance.org/mailinglist
    Stop emails for this post: https://rd-alliance.org/mailinglist/unsubscribe/44477
    Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH
    52425 Juelich
    Sitz der Gesellschaft: Juelich
    Eingetragen im Handelsregister des Amtsgerichts Dueren Nr. HR B 3498
    Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: MinDir Dr. Karl Eugen Huthmacher
    Geschaeftsfuehrung: Prof. Dr. Achim Bachem (Vorsitzender),
    Karsten Beneke (stellv. Vorsitzender), Prof. Dr.-Ing. Harald Bolt,
    Prof. Dr. Sebastian M. Schmidt
    Full post: https://www.rd-alliance.org/group/big-data-analytics-ig/post/rda-bigdata...
    Manage my subscriptions: https://www.rd-alliance.org/mailinglist
    Stop emails for this post: https://www.rd-alliance.org/mailinglist/unsubscribe/44478

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