Re: [rda-wdinterop-wg] A webinar on the WDI wg results for RDA Europe

  • Esther DZALE YEUMO's picture

    Author: Esther DZALE YEUMO

    Date: 13 Mar, 2016

    Dear All,
    thank you for your willingness to help prepare the webinar. I propose
    that we retain the 23rd of March 16:30 Paris time for the skype.
    All the best,

  • Esther DZALE YEUMO's picture

    Author: Esther DZALE YEUMO

    Date: 24 Mar, 2016

    this is a reminder for our today skype meeting at 4:30pm Paris time.
    Looking forward to talk to you all.
    Re: Draft programme "formation AgroPortal" du 21-22 mars

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