Papers posted on web site

27 Sep 2015
Groups audience: 

The following papers have been posted at the IG Urban Quality of Life (
Wang, Y., and Fox, M.S., (2015), “A Shelter Ontology for Global City Indicators (ISO 37120)”, Working Paper, Enterprise Integration Laboratory, University of Toronto.
Forde, A., and Fox, M.S., (2015), “A Telecommunications and Innovation Ontology for Global City Indicators (ISO 37120)”, Working Paper, Enterprise Integration Laboratory, University of Toronto.
Fox, M.S., (2014), “An Education Ontology for Global City Indicators (ISO 37120)”, Working Paper, Enterprise Integration Laboratory, University of Toronto.
Fox, M.S., and Pettit, C.J., (2015) “On the Completeness of Open City Data for Measuring City Indicators“, Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Smart Cities, Guadalajara Mexico.
Fox, M.S., (2015), “The Role of Ontologies in Publishing and Analyzing City Indicators”, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, to appear.
Mark S. Fox. PhD, FAAAI, FEIC, LEL
Distinguished Professor of Urban Systems Engineering
Professor of Industrial Engineering and Computer Science (
Director, Centre for Social Services Engineering (
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
University of Toronto
5 King's College Rd.
Toronto, Ontario M5S 3G8 CANADA
t: +1-416-978-6823; email: ***@***.***

  • Chris Pettit's picture

    Author: Chris Pettit

    Date: 27 Sep, 2015

    Thanks for the papers. A valuable resource for the group.
    Was great to catch up with a number of the group last week in Paris.
    Thanks Andrea for Chairing and for Godwin in providing support.
    Minutes to come soon.
    [Title: City Futures - Description: City Futures Logo]
    Chris Pettit
    Professor of Urban Science
    Associate Director, City Futures Research Centre
    Built Environment, UNSW AUSTRALIA
    T: +61 (2) 9385 4826
    M: +61 422 301 832
    E: ***@***.***
    - Show quoted text -From: msf=***@***.*** [mailto:***@***.***] On Behalf Of marksfox
    Sent: Sunday, 27 September 2015 7:25 PM
    To: ***@***.***
    Subject: [rda_qoul_ig] Papers posted on web site
    The following papers have been posted at the IG Urban Quality of Life (
    Wang, Y., and Fox, M.S., (2015), “A Shelter Ontology for Global City Indicators (ISO 37120)”, Working Paper, Enterprise Integration Laboratory, University of Toronto.
    Forde, A., and Fox, M.S., (2015), “A Telecommunications and Innovation Ontology for Global City Indicators (ISO 37120)”, Working Paper, Enterprise Integration Laboratory, University of Toronto.
    Fox, M.S., (2014), “An Education Ontology for Global City Indicators (ISO 37120)”, Working Paper, Enterprise Integration Laboratory, University of Toronto.
    Fox, M.S., and Pettit, C.J., (2015) “On the Completeness of Open City Data for Measuring City Indicators“, Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Smart Cities, Guadalajara Mexico.
    Fox, M.S., (2015), “The Role of Ontologies in Publishing and Analyzing City Indicators”, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, to appear.
    Mark S. Fox. PhD, FAAAI, FEIC, LEL
    Distinguished Professor of Urban Systems Engineering
    Professor of Industrial Engineering and Computer Science (
    Director, Centre for Social Services Engineering (
    Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
    University of Toronto
    5 King's College Rd.
    Toronto, Ontario M5S 3G8 CANADA
    t: +1-416-978-6823; email: ***@***.***

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