Your participation at 3rd Plenary in Dublin - DIC sessions

19 Mar 2014
Groups audience: 

Dear all,

We are finalising the agenda and it would be great to know who of the group subscribers will attend the 3rd plenary, and in particular who plans to attend or is interested in attending the two foreseen sessions of the Data in Context Interest Group.

The given session slots are:

  • Session 1: Thursday, March 27 - 15:30 - 17:00
  • Session 2: Friday, March 28 - 11:00 - 12:30

The agenda is almost ready. We are looking forward to meeting you soon in Dublin.

All the Best,




Dr Brigitte Joerg
Co-Chair Data in Context Interest Group
Board Member euroCRIS
Director JeiBee Ltd. 



  • Natasha Bulatovic's picture

    Author: Natasha Bulatovic

    Date: 20 Mar, 2014

    Dear Brigitte,
    i am attending the 3rd plenary and will participate in the data in
    context interest group sessions (perhaps only one or both, depending on

  • Angus Whyte's picture

    Author: Angus Whyte

    Date: 21 Mar, 2014

    Dear Bridget,
    I'll be coming to the session.
    Dr Angus Whyte
    Senior Institutional Support Officer
    Digital Curation Centre
    University of Edinburgh
    Crichton St, Edinburgh EH8 9LE
    * New book * - Delivering Research Data Management Services; Fundamentals of good practice, by Graham Pryor, Sarah Jones and Angus Whyte, editors. Facet Publishing.
    The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
    Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

  • Brigitte Joerg's picture

    Author: Brigitte Joerg

    Date: 21 Mar, 2014

    Dear Angus,
    That is great! Do you want to give a short presentation about work goin
    on in WGs you are involved? Or would ypu prefer to do this rather
    adhocly and informal.
    I received feedback from others, which I will incorporate into current
    agendas in a minute. Latest updates are always to be found here:
    I am looking forward to seeing you in Dublin,
    Dr Brigitte Joerg
    Co-Chair Data in Context IG, RDA
    Board Member Strategy and External Relations
    mail: ***@***.***
    skype: brigitte.joerg
    twitter: brigittejoerg

  • Brigitte Joerg's picture

    Author: Brigitte Joerg

    Date: 21 Mar, 2014

    Dear all,
    Thank you all for feedback and planning to attend. The latest agendas
    will be updated continuously upon feedback. They are now also linked
    from the public RDA programme. A direct link is here:
    I am looking forward to meeting you soon,

  • Angus Whyte's picture

    Author: Angus Whyte

    Date: 21 Mar, 2014

    Hi Brigitte,
    Ad-hoc and informal is fine for me. I can feed in from the Data
    publishing workflows WG, also from DCC work on data profiles as/when any
    of that is relevant.
    See you in Dublin

  • Brigitte Joerg's picture

    Author: Brigitte Joerg

    Date: 21 Mar, 2014

    Hi Angus,
    OK that is great - I put you on the list anyway - just so we are aware
    of the speakers :)
    Adhoc is fine! See you soon. Thank *you*.

  • Rebecca Koskela's picture

    Author: Rebecca Koskela

    Date: 21 Mar, 2014

    Hello Brigitte,
    I will be at the sessions that don't overlap with the MDSD WG -
    Executive Director, DataONE
    University of New Mexico
    1312 Basehart SE
    Albuquerque, NM 87106
    Email: ***@***.***
    Cell: (505) 382-0890
    Fax: (505) 246-6007

  • Brigitte Joerg's picture

    Author: Brigitte Joerg

    Date: 21 Mar, 2014

    Hi Rebecca,
    That is great! See you on Friday then :)

  • Siddeswara Guru's picture

    Author: Siddeswara Guru

    Date: 22 Mar, 2014

    Hello Brigitte,
    I will not be coming to the RDA meeting but will be very keen to follow the
    discussion outcomes. If there is a video-link or skype session, happy to
    connect remotely.

  • Brigitte Joerg's picture

    Author: Brigitte Joerg

    Date: 22 Mar, 2014

    Dear S.M.,
    I shall find out and let you know and post links/infos as soon as I know
    them at our group website.
    Also our slides and contributions will then be available from our group
    All the Best,

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