Updated P20 session agenda and request to action

27 Feb 2023
Groups audience: 

Hi everyone,
The theme of our session at the upcoming RDA Plenary in Gothenburg (and
online) is:
Pathways to national PID strategies: guidance to facilitate uptake and
An updated version of the agenda can be found here

As this will be our last Plenary meeting (the WG is due to conclude in
June), we will have a working session focussed primarily on reviewing the
draft WG output: a document that can provide guidance to developing a
national PID strategy. The document is based on comparing and contrasting
the case studies we have collected (9 so far).
We will also present options for taking the work of the WG forward for
consideration at the session.
Could you please:
1. Submit a case study OR update an existing case study *by 14 April
2023. *Yes, this after the Plenary but gives us enough time to update
the guidance document before we submit it to RDA in June.
2. Consider providing an update on your case study at the session. We
have 20 minutes allocated to collective sharing of case studies so you will
only need to speak for 3-5 minutes depending on how many we get. You may
choose to present slides, or not.
To submit a new or updated case study, or to offer to present it at the
Plenary session, please contact co-chairs. Daniel Bangert and I will be
attending the Plenary in person with Chris dialing in virtually from the UK
and Shawna on leave at the time.
We hope to see you there.
Natasha Simons
Associate Director, Data & Services
M +61 411 325 295
***@***.*** | ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0635-1998 |
Tw: @n_simons
[image: ardc.edu.au]

ARDC acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the lands
that we live and work on across Australia and pays its respect
to Elders past and present.
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  • Daniel Bangert's picture

    Author: Daniel Bangert

    Date: 09 Mar, 2023

    Hi everyone,
    Following up with a reminder that our RDA plenary session on Tuesday March 21st has a slot for a few case study lightning updates of 3-5 mins each. If you’d like to share an update, please email me and Natasha by March 18th with one slide for us to add to the session slide deck.
    All best,
    Dr Daniel Bangert
    National Open Research Coordinator, Ireland
    Digital Repository of Ireland, Royal Irish Academy
    Email: ***@***.***
    National Open Research Forum www.norf.ie
    Subscribe to the NORF newsletter
    - Show quoted text -From: ***@***.***-groups.org <***@***.***-groups.org>
    Sent: Monday, February 27, 2023 12:26 AM
    To: ***@***.***-groups.org
    Subject: [national-pid-strategies-wg] Updated P20 session agenda and request to action
    External (non-RIA) email - be careful with links and attachments!
    Hi everyone,
    The theme of our session at the upcoming RDA Plenary in Gothenburg (and online) is:
    Pathways to national PID strategies: guidance to facilitate uptake and alignment
    An updated version of the agenda can be found here.
    As this will be our last Plenary meeting (the WG is due to conclude in June), we will have a working session focussed primarily on reviewing the draft WG output: a document that can provide guidance to developing a national PID strategy. The document is based on comparing and contrasting the case studies we have collected (9 so far).
    We will also present options for taking the work of the WG forward for consideration at the session.
    Could you please:
    1. Submit a case study OR update an existing case study by 14 April 2023. Yes, this after the Plenary but gives us enough time to update the guidance document before we submit it to RDA in June.
    2. Consider providing an update on your case study at the session. We have 20 minutes allocated to collective sharing of case studies so you will only need to speak for 3-5 minutes depending on how many we get. You may choose to present slides, or not.
    To submit a new or updated case study, or to offer to present it at the Plenary session, please contact co-chairs. Daniel Bangert and I will be attending the Plenary in person with Chris dialing in virtually from the UK and Shawna on leave at the time.
    We hope to see you there.
    Natasha Simons
    Associate Director, Data & Services
    M +61 411 325 295
    ***@***.*** | ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0635-1998 | Tw: @n_simons
    ARDC acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the lands
    that we live and work on across Australia and pays its respect
    to Elders past and present.
    Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail.
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