New chair of the IG: Elli Papadopoulou and Maria Praetzellis

16 Aug 2022

Dear all,
I'm delighted to inform you that Elli Papadopoulou and Maria Praetzellis are the new chairs of the Active DMPs IG.
Elli is part of the Argos team. Maria is with the DMP Tool. Both of them have been actively contributing to the activities of this group.
I would also like to thank Sarah Jones and Paul Chodacki who are stepping down from being the chairs. Thank you for the hard work and I hope to still see you in our plenary meetings!
Taking the opportunity, I would like to bring your attention to the special issue of the CODATA Data Science Journal that deals with Data Management Planning across Disciplines and Infrastructures. The deadline for submission is 15 November.
Best wishes,
Tomasz Miksa
Chair of the Active DMPs IG

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