RDA Gobal Water Information IG - Activity Update

10 Aug 2021
Groups audience: 

Dear Co-chairs
We are contacting you with regard to your RDA Global Water Information IG, more specifically to seek clarification on the Group’s level of activity. It appears from our records that the Group has not had a working session at an RDA Plenary since Plenary 14 (and we have not received a session proposal for Plenary 18) and there does not seem to have been any activity on the group page or mailing list since October 2019.
The RDA would like groups to be active during their lifespan and it appears that your group is inactive and may need to be retired. However, we would be happy to support you in re-invigorating the group if you think this makes sense.
Please respond to this email by 10th September 2021 and let us know your preference. Of course, if you have any questions, we would be happy to answer them.
Thank you very much!
Best wishes
RDA Secretariat

  • Matthew Fry's picture

    Author: Matthew Fry

    Date: 09 Sep, 2021

    Dear RDA Secretariat
    Thanks for the email and for asking the question about ongoing participation of the Global Water Information Interest Group.
    On discussion with the other co-chairs, we would very much like to continue with GWIIG activities.
    Firstly, I'd like to apologise for our lack of structured engagement in the last few plenaries. Personally I have found remote conferences very difficult (home-school notwithstanding), harder to ring-fence time for, and therefore far less worthwhile without the opportunities to learn from other groups and individuals.
    At previous physical plenaries the GWIIG has been very successful at attracting in-person attendees, but many of our members used to attend remotely (without registration) for our session only. We felt the fully remote plenaries would not be able to provide this forum for unregistered attendees and would therefore limit the efficacy of our meetings.
    At past plenaries we have had good engagement with other groups, presenting at other group sessions (e.g. Data Rescue, Dynamic Data Citation), applying RDA outputs (Dynamic Data Citation, Data Discovery Paradigms) as well as actively engaging in other group activities (Small UAVs, Soils, i-ADOPT, VREs, etc.). We value these engagements and believe the other groups do as well, and hope to continue them in future. It's very helpful as a manager of a research hydrological archive to see best practice in other fields and to learn from them.
    It's worth noting that, as stated in our charter, the RDA is strongly linked to the OGC / WMO Hydro Domain Working Group, with common membership across these groups. HydroDWG has been very active over the past couple of years and there are many new developments (see https://external.ogc.org/twiki_public/HydrologyDWG/WebHome). I realise we should have continued to bring these developments to the wider RDA audience as well, and we've probably taken this for granted given the overlap in membership. But there has been some engagement (e.g. Sylvain has contributed to iADOPT group seminars).
    But we have also been furthering activities, including completing a survey of available national hydrological data online, which we hope to publish shortly, and will be a valuable resource for researchers in this area.
    There are a number of other newer activities we would like to take forwards:
    * understanding requirements for hydrological research archives.
    * gathering examples of AI/ML uses and use cases in hydrology, to understand the need for ML-ready datasets. This could be of interest to other domains / IGs / WGs.
    We are considering a summary presentation for RDA GWIIG members on the recent advances in the OGC HydroDWG group.
    I hope this would be considered as useful activities within RDA. Please let us know if there are any other areas you think it would be useful to provide input to.
    Matt Fry (on behalf of GWIIG co-chairs)
    Matt Fry
    Environmental Informatics Manager
    UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
    Maclean Building, Benson Lane, Crowmarsh Gifford, Wallingford, OX10 8BB, UK
    T:+44 (0)1491 692287
    ceh.ac.uk/staff/mfry | @mattfry_ceh
    www.ceh.ac.uk | @UK_CEH
    From: Secretariat <***@***.***-foundation.org>
    Sent: 10 August 2021 17:06
    To: ***@***.*** <***@***.***>; ***@***.*** <***@***.***>; ***@***.*** <***@***.***>; Fry, Matthew <***@***.***>
    Cc: Kirkpatrick, Christine <***@***.***>; ***@***.***-groups.org <***@***.***-groups.org>
    Subject: RDA Gobal Water Information IG - Activity Update
    Dear Co-chairs
    We are contacting you with regard to your RDA Global Water Information IG, more specifically to seek clarification on the Group’s level of activity. It appears from our records that the Group has not had a working session at an RDA Plenary since Plenary 14 (and we have not received a session proposal for Plenary 18) and there does not seem to have been any activity on the group page or mailing list since October 2019.
    The RDA would like groups to be active during their lifespan and it appears that your group is inactive and may need to be retired. However, we would be happy to support you in re-invigorating the group if you think this makes sense.
    Please respond to this email by 10th September 2021 and let us know your preference. Of course, if you have any questions, we would be happy to answer them.
    Thank you very much!
    Best wishes
    RDA Secretariat
    This email and any attachments are intended solely for the named recipients and are confidential. If you are not the intended recipient, please reply to the email to highlight the error and delete this email from your system; you must not use, disclose, copy, or distribute this email or any of its attachments. UK Centre of Ecology & Hydrology (UKCEH) has taken reasonable precautions to minimise risk of this email or any attachments containing viruses or malware, but the recipient should carry out its own virus and malware checks before opening the attachments. UKCEH does not accept any liability for any losses or damages which the recipient may sustain due to presence of any viruses. Opinions, conclusions or other information in this message and attachments that are not related directly to UKCEH business are solely those of the author and do not represent the views of UKCEH. We process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Notice, available on the UKCEH website. https://www.ceh.ac.uk/privacy-notice Registered office address; Maclean Building Benson Lane, Crowmarsh Gifford, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom, OX10 8BB Companies Registered Name; UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology Place of Registration; England Registered Company Number; 11314957

  • Secretariat Group Account's picture

    Author: Secretariat Gro...

    Date: 29 Nov, 2021

    Dear Matthew
    First of all, our sincere apologies for overlooking your email and subsequently the delay in replying.
    Thank you very much for confirming your wish to continue with the group's activities, we very much hope you will manage to take forward the new activities mentioned.
    It would be very helpful if you could please log as much of your ongoing activities as possible on the group page. As you say, this ensures the wider RDA community is kept up to date with the ongoing and most recent activities, and also the group's future intentions.
    Many thanks,
    Best regards
    RDA Secretariat
    From: ***@***.***-groups.org <***@***.***-groups.org> on behalf of Matthew Fry via Global Water Information IG <***@***.***-groups.org>
    Sent: 09 September 2021 17:19
    To: Secretariat <***@***.***-foundation.org>; ***@***.*** <***@***.***>; ***@***.*** <***@***.***>; ***@***.*** <***@***.***>; Global Water Information IG <***@***.***-groups.org>
    Cc: Kirkpatrick, Christine <***@***.***>
    Subject: Re: [globalwaterinformation] RDA Gobal Water Information IG - Activity Update
    Dear RDA Secretariat
    Thanks for the email and for asking the question about ongoing participation of the Global Water Information Interest Group.
    On discussion with the other co-chairs, we would very much like to continue with GWIIG activities.
    Firstly, I'd like to apologise for our lack of structured engagement in the last few plenaries. Personally I have found remote conferences very difficult (home-school notwithstanding), harder to ring-fence time for, and therefore far less worthwhile without the opportunities to learn from other groups and individuals.
    At previous physical plenaries the GWIIG has been very successful at attracting in-person attendees, but many of our members used to attend remotely (without registration) for our session only. We felt the fully remote plenaries would not be able to provide this forum for unregistered attendees and would therefore limit the efficacy of our meetings.
    At past plenaries we have had good engagement with other groups, presenting at other group sessions (e.g. Data Rescue, Dynamic Data Citation), applying RDA outputs (Dynamic Data Citation, Data Discovery Paradigms) as well as actively engaging in other group activities (Small UAVs, Soils, i-ADOPT, VREs, etc.). We value these engagements and believe the other groups do as well, and hope to continue them in future. It's very helpful as a manager of a research hydrological archive to see best practice in other fields and to learn from them.
    It's worth noting that, as stated in our charter, the RDA is strongly linked to the OGC / WMO Hydro Domain Working Group, with common membership across these groups. HydroDWG has been very active over the past couple of years and there are many new developments (see https://external.ogc.org/twiki_public/HydrologyDWG/WebHome). I realise we should have continued to bring these developments to the wider RDA audience as well, and we've probably taken this for granted given the overlap in membership. But there has been some engagement (e.g. Sylvain has contributed to iADOPT group seminars).
    But we have also been furthering activities, including completing a survey of available national hydrological data online, which we hope to publish shortly, and will be a valuable resource for researchers in this area.
    There are a number of other newer activities we would like to take forwards:
    * understanding requirements for hydrological research archives.
    * gathering examples of AI/ML uses and use cases in hydrology, to understand the need for ML-ready datasets. This could be of interest to other domains / IGs / WGs.
    We are considering a summary presentation for RDA GWIIG members on the recent advances in the OGC HydroDWG group.
    I hope this would be considered as useful activities within RDA. Please let us know if there are any other areas you think it would be useful to provide input to.
    Matt Fry (on behalf of GWIIG co-chairs)
    Matt Fry
    Environmental Informatics Manager
    UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
    Maclean Building, Benson Lane, Crowmarsh Gifford, Wallingford, OX10 8BB, UK
    T:+44 (0)1491 692287
    ceh.ac.uk/staff/mfry | @mattfry_ceh
    www.ceh.ac.uk | @UK_CEH
    From: Secretariat <***@***.***-foundation.org>
    Sent: 10 August 2021 17:06
    To: ***@***.*** <***@***.***>; ***@***.*** <***@***.***>; ***@***.*** <***@***.***>; Fry, Matthew <***@***.***>
    Cc: Kirkpatrick, Christine <***@***.***>; ***@***.***-groups.org <***@***.***-groups.org>
    Subject: RDA Gobal Water Information IG - Activity Update
    Dear Co-chairs
    We are contacting you with regard to your RDA Global Water Information IG, more specifically to seek clarification on the Group’s level of activity. It appears from our records that the Group has not had a working session at an RDA Plenary since Plenary 14 (and we have not received a session proposal for Plenary 18) and there does not seem to have been any activity on the group page or mailing list since October 2019.
    The RDA would like groups to be active during their lifespan and it appears that your group is inactive and may need to be retired. However, we would be happy to support you in re-invigorating the group if you think this makes sense.
    Please respond to this email by 10th September 2021 and let us know your preference. Of course, if you have any questions, we would be happy to answer them.
    Thank you very much!
    Best wishes
    RDA Secretariat
    This email and any attachments are intended solely for the named recipients and are confidential. If you are not the intended recipient, please reply to the email to highlight the error and delete this email from your system; you must not use, disclose, copy, or distribute this email or any of its attachments. UK Centre of Ecology & Hydrology (UKCEH) has taken reasonable precautions to minimise risk of this email or any attachments containing viruses or malware, but the recipient should carry out its own virus and malware checks before opening the attachments. UKCEH does not accept any liability for any losses or damages which the recipient may sustain due to presence of any viruses. Opinions, conclusions or other information in this message and attachments that are not related directly to UKCEH business are solely those of the author and do not represent the views of UKCEH. We process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Notice, available on the UKCEH website. https://www.ceh.ac.uk/privacy-notice Registered office address; Maclean Building Benson Lane, Crowmarsh Gifford, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom, OX10 8BB Companies Registered Name; UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology Place of Registration; England Registered Company Number; 11314957

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