RDA's 18th Plenary - Call for Posters (closed)

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RDA VP18, 3-18 November 2021

The call for posters is now closed.  Notifications of acceptance will be issued on the 24th of September 2021. 

By participating in P18's Poster Sessions throughout the Plenary you have an excellent opportunity to share your ideas, ongoing research and accomplishments with data professionals from around the globe.

Poster presenters will be able to talk and exchange ideas with an audience of data practitioners, computer scientists, researchers, policy makers and private sector representatives, who are all committed to open sharing of data across disciplines, technologies and borders to accelerate innovation.

Please note that at least one presenter for each poster will be expected to register for the Plenary. You can find the registration fees on the Plenary 18 page here.

We plan to hold four poster sessions at different times to accommodate multiple time zones using gather.town. Poster presenters will be asked to join at least one of the four sessions. 

To participate, please submit your poster abstract by the deadline outlined below.


  • Call for Posters closes on Wednesday, 15 September 2021, 23:59 UTC.
  • Notifications and further instructions will be sent out by Friday, 24 September 2021.
  • Submit your final poster by Friday, 15 October 2021, 23:59 UTC.


Questions or concerns related to the Call for Posters can be sent to enquiries{at}rd-alliance.org. Thank you and we look forward to seeing you at P18! 

  • Birte Lindstaedt's picture

    Author: Birte Lindstaedt

    Date: 14 Sep, 2021

    Main author is Aliaksandra Shutsko, Birte Lindstaedt is additional author and submit the poster.

  • Birte Lindstaedt's picture

    Author: Birte Lindstaedt

    Date: 14 Sep, 2021

    Main author is Aliaksandra Shutsko, Birte Lindstaedt is additional author and submit the poster.

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