A new Excel to SKOS too

29 Jul 2021
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Hi all,
We've just implemented a new Excel to RDF conversion tool for SKOS vocabs:
Yes, there are many Excel to RDF tools out there but this one uses a very
constrained profile of SKOS for pretty simple vocabularies - VocPub (
https://w3id.org/profile/vocpub) - and it can be extended with other
profiles, as needed.
We'd be very happy to help anyone out with use of the tool!
Dr Nicholas Car
Data Systems Architect
Connected Knowledge
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Dr Nicholas Car
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The Australian National University,
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+61 477 560 177

  • Andrea Perego's picture

    Author: Andrea Perego

    Date: 29 Jul, 2021

    Nice work, Nick! Thanks for sharing.
    I wonder whether VocExcel also supports the possibility of creating
    multilingual labels.
    On Thu, Jul 29, 2021 at 5:10 AM ***@***.*** via Vocabulary
    Services IG <***@***.***-groups.org> wrote:

  • Nicholas Car's picture

    Author: Nicholas Car

    Date: 29 Jul, 2021

    Hi Andrea,
    Well not now, given that the VocPub profile (https://w3id.org/profile/vocpub)
    it uses doesn't know anything about multilingual, but it could! The plan
    with the tool is to allow other profiles to be selected for use and the
    underlying VocExcel tool already has provisions for this. So an extension
    to VocPub, or a completely unrelated profile, could be implemented easily,
    by design.
    All I would need for such an implementation is a profile declaration with a
    specification, validator or both since. I could then easily implement the
    back-end logic to match that profile. If you extend VocPub, or create your
    own profile of SKOS independently, let me know and I'd love to make it work
    and show the profiling capability off! Likely I will add other profiles to
    VocExcel soon anyway but they are just likely to be more requirements for
    certain metadata or Conept properties for Australian government use.
    On Thu, Jul 29, 2021 at 5:59 PM andrea.perego via Vocabulary Services IG <
    ***@***.***-groups.org> wrote:

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