RDA Legal & Ethical SWIFT up and running

06 Jul 2020
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Dear All,
Following on from last week's meeting of our SWIFT (Smooth writing in future times), I have created a separate google doc with the article-type ideas we discussed (or rather, which I can remember). We'll send a reminder out tomorrow afternoon about times etc., but our meeting will be at the same time (11:00 UTC) on Wednesday, via the new GoToMeeting link.
Stay safe

  • John Brian Pickering's picture

    Author: John Brian Pickering

    Date: 07 Jul, 2020

    Dear All,
    It appears the GDoc link does not allow edits. Apologies. Try this one:
    From: ***@***.***-groups.org <***@***.***-groups.org>
    Sent: 06 July 2020 19:22
    To: ***@***.***-groups.org
    Cc: Anne Cambon-Thomsen <***@***.***-tlse3.fr>; Alexander Bernier <***@***.***>
    Subject: [rda-covid19-legal-ethical] RDA Legal & Ethical SWIFT up and running
    Dear All,
    Following on from last week's meeting of our SWIFT (Smooth writing in future times), I have created a separate google doc with the article-type ideas we discussed (or rather, which I can remember). We'll send a reminder out tomorrow afternoon about times etc., but our meeting will be at the same time (11:00 UTC) on Wednesday, via the new GoToMeeting link.
    Stay safe

  • John Brian Pickering's picture

    Author: John Brian Pickering

    Date: 07 Jul, 2020

    Dear All,
    Thank you everyone for comment in the document - we're obviously on a roll! Some points which we may need to consider really early on:
    * Technical terms (*): we are from different disciplines and so terminology and previous research that we may see as 'obvious' may not be to others. It'd help, I think, to start building a list of terms even just for our own internal use to refer to. Happy to create a spreadsheet via GDoc (though bear with me as far as sharing is concerned!)
    * Resources / bibliography: on that note, perhaps we need to start building a list of references? I think this can be done in Zotero under our own group, independently of RDA; there are also other options such as Mendeley.
    It's not to say any one discipline is right or wrong, just so we understand one another. Perhaps we can decide what we'd like to do on the call tomorrow?
    (*) So far - and notwithstanding any inaccuracies in my minute taking! - from my side, just FYI:
    * Trust is defined in a specific way in social science (DOI: 10.5465/AMR.1998.926617); and most social scientists at some stage will refer to Mayer et al (DOI: 10.5465/AMR.1995.9508080335; and 10.5465/AMR.2007.24348410).
    * Tussles is a quasi-technical term in computer science (DOI: 10.1109/TNET.2005.850224) and I believe in economics (but that's not my area).
    From: ***@***.***-groups.org <***@***.***-groups.org>
    Sent: 07 July 2020 08:56
    To: ***@***.***-groups.org
    Cc: Anne Cambon-Thomsen <***@***.***-tlse3.fr>; Alexander Bernier <***@***.***>
    Subject: Re: [rda-covid19-legal-ethical] RDA Legal & Ethical SWIFT up and running
    Dear All,
    It appears the GDoc link does not allow edits. Apologies. Try this one:
    From: ***@***.***-groups.org <***@***.***-groups.org>
    Sent: 06 July 2020 19:22
    To: ***@***.***-groups.org
    Cc: Anne Cambon-Thomsen <***@***.***-tlse3.fr>; Alexander Bernier <***@***.***>
    Subject: [rda-covid19-legal-ethical] RDA Legal & Ethical SWIFT up and running
    Dear All,
    Following on from last week's meeting of our SWIFT (Smooth writing in future times), I have created a separate google doc with the article-type ideas we discussed (or rather, which I can remember). We'll send a reminder out tomorrow afternoon about times etc., but our meeting will be at the same time (11:00 UTC) on Wednesday, via the new GoToMeeting link.
    Stay safe

  • Claudia Bauzer Medeiros's picture

    Author: Claudia Bauzer ...

    Date: 07 Jul, 2020

    Dear all, dear Brian
    I cannot access the document.. "Access denied, you need permision"
    I have requested access. Sorry for this extra trouble

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