Upcoming Deadlines & Events

02 Jul 2020


Hi everyone.  There are some upcoming deadlines and events that we want to make sure you are aware of as you enter the weekend.   We’ve posted them on the RDA homepage and social media, and are providing them below:


Request for Comments Deadlines:

RDA Events for Week of 5 July:

Also, next week may be a good time to consider your session submission for Plenary 16.  The deadline is 4 August, so you have time, but we’re offering this friendly reminder.


Lastly, if you’d like some additional reading throughout the week, check out the final version of the RDA COVID-19 Recommendations and Guidelines on Data Sharing.


Have a good weekend!



Jamie Petta, on behalf of the RDA Secretariat

  • Emma Lazzeri's picture

    Author: Emma Lazzeri

    Date: 03 Jul, 2020

    Dear Jamie,
    Many thanks for the information regarding the webinars.
    Dear Jamie,
    Many thanks for the information regarding the webinars.
    Is the
    > FAIR in HL7: New standards for supporting Health Research
    Happening the 5th of July on a Sunday or is it a mistake? It seems strange to me that the webinar is happening on a weekend…
    As I will not be able to follow the webinar on Sunday, will it be possible to access the recording ?
    Many thanks
    Dr. Emma Lazzeri, PhD
    Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione "A. Faedo" - CNR
    Via Moruzzi, 1
    56124 Pisa, Italy
    Tel: +39 050 621-2983 - Fax: +39 050 621-3464
    email: ***@***.***
    skype: skyemma

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