Call today cancelled Clinical sub-group RDA COVID19- Information mail.

03 Jun 2020
Groups audience: 

Dear all Co-moderators and members of the Clinical sub-group RDA COVID-19,
>  Due to difficulties of several co-moderators and the Co-Chair to be
> available today for the usual Clinical sub-group meeting we must
> cancel the today call; that of next week is maintained ; we are
> circulating instead a short update on "where we are" and "What still
> has to be done" and reminder of the webinar next week Tuesday 9 June
> at 11.00 am UTC
> 1. Congratulations to the 5th release and final draft. The future
> release (planned for 15 June, after incorporation of comments,
> open until 8 June) is considering to include supporting outputs
> (official designation of what was before called "longer document")
> for the groups that have those. We had not planned to have such a
> document for our group. In case you have some reason to change
> this policy, please let moderators know. Please make comments or
> any remarks you may have regarding the 5th release  through the
> "request for comments function" (wee below the mail that gives the
> link to access the documents of the 5th release (main document,
> executive summary, press release); it is particularly important
> you read the main document as many people have before read only
> their sub-group production and the part 2 (generic transversal
> aspects) have been extracted from the various sub-groups documents
> if they were general and transversal. We all will be endorsing the
> whole document.
> 2. Glossary and list of acronyms. The glossary has been preceded by a
> disclaimer sentence mentioning that it is for helping the reader
> but does not necessarily constitute a consensus definition (as
> proposed originally by Sergio Bonini); there are still possibility
> of improving definitions ; check if it is satisfactory or make
> proposals. You can mention that to moderators. Abbreviations and
> acronyms must correspond to those used by the institutions in
> question; you can also check.
> 3. Resources. It is still possible to add resources ; there is a
> provisional zotero file created for that, that will be merged with
> the existing cleaned persent file as per 5th release; If you have
> such additional resources (not already present), please let
> moderators know.
> 4. The decision tree group (now called "visualistion group")  is
> considering three approaches to make the full document easy to
> navigate. They are infographics, mindmap, and wizard. More
> information is at
> 5. There will be a webinar on June 9. Each subgroup will report its
> highlights. Please let the moderators know if you have any
> suggestions for the presentation.
> 6. The dissemination to institutions, networks, colleagues and
> variosu stakeholders is important at this stage, so pleasecontinue
> to do so; you can report your dissemination efforts to moderators
> or  directly to Hilary :  ***@***.***
>  We hope this is useful for you and we hope to hear from you and "see"
> you at the webinar and at our next call; we thank you again for your
> participation in this work and are very grateful for all your efforts!
Co-Moderators: Sergio Bonini (***@***.***
), Andrea Jackson-Dipina
(***@***.*** ),Dawei Lin
(***@***.*** ), Christian Ohmann (
***@***.*** )
Co-Chair Liaison: Anne Cambon-Thomsen (***@***.***
Dear COVID-19 Working Group Members,
We have just published the 5th (pre final) release of the COVID-19
Recommendations and Guidelines -
This version is now open for public comment until 8 June 2020
I would ask you all to circulate this document and the executive summary
and press release to your networks (links below). In addition to
collecting feedback on this before it is officially endorsed, we want to
broadcast far and wide this amazing community collaboration, cooperation
and co creation for the benefit of the stakeholders.
Though our work is not done, this release is a significant milestone. It
is a culmination of thousands and thousands of hours volunteer effort
from experts across many disciplines. It is the fruit of an
unbelievable drive and demonstration of passion and dedication from a
global RDA community. A community I am so proud to represent.
I would like to thank you all so much for responding to the call for
action less than 2 months ago. Please allow me to thank especially the
co-chairs, moderators and the editorial team whose energy and
tireless efforts have amazed and astounded me over this intense period.
My sincerest gratitude to you all
News piece and press content at
1.Research Data Alliance COVID-19 Recommendations and Guidelines
Executive Summary

2.Research Data Alliance COVID-19 Complete Recommendations and
Guidelines – 28 May 2020 Release

3.RDA COVID-19 Working Group

4.RDA COVID-19 All Working Group Outputs (5 releases)

Dr Anne Cambon-Thomsen
Directrice de recherche émérite au CNRS
UMR 1027, Inserm, Univ Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier

Plateforme sociétale genotoul
Ambassador of the Research Data Alliance (RDA) for health sciences and
research ethics
37 allées Jules Guesde  F-31000 Toulouse
Tel : +33 (0)5 61 14 59 59 Mobile: +33 (0)6 79 41 13 48    Fax : +33
(0)5 61 14 56 23   Skype: act_pro
E-mail : <***@***.***>

  • Martin Golebiewski's picture

    Author: Martin Golebiewski

    Date: 03 Jun, 2020

    Dear Anne,
    Thanks for the information.
    When I was reading the minutes of last week’s call (unfortunately I could not attend) I saw that an EC call for proposals have been discussed. As the deadline to submit a proposal for this call is already June 11, so only one day after our next clinical subgroup meeting, I was wondering if there was a follow-up action in this group (or a subgroup of it), was there?
    Best regards,
    Martin Golebiewski
    HITS gGmbH
    Schloss-Wolfsbrunnenweg 35
    69118 Heidelberg
    phone +49 6221 533 281
    fax +49 6221 533 298
    email ***@***.***
    Amtsgericht Mannheim / HRB 337446
    Managing Director: Dr. Gesa Schönberger
    Scientific Director: PD Wolfgang Müller
    Von: <***@***.***> im Auftrag von cambonthomsen via RDA-COVID19-Clinical <***@***.***>
    Antworten an: "***@***.***" <***@***.***>
    Datum: Mittwoch, 3. Juni 2020 um 12:44
    An: "***@***.***" <***@***.***>
    Cc: "Lin, Dawei (NIH/NIAID) [E]" <***@***.***>, Sergio Bonini <***@***.***>, "Jackson-Dipina, Andrea (NIH/OD) [E]" <***@***.***>, "***@***.***" <***@***.***>
    Betreff: [rda-covid19-clinical] Call today cancelled Clinical sub-group RDA COVID19- Information mail.
    Dear all Co-moderators and members of the Clinical sub-group RDA COVID-19,
    Due to difficulties of several co-moderators and the Co-Chair to be available today for the usual Clinical sub-group meeting we must cancel the today call; that of next week is maintained ; we are circulating instead a short update on "where we are" and "What still has to be done" and reminder of the webinar next week Tuesday 9 June at 11.00 am UTC
    1. Congratulations to the 5th release and final draft. The future release (planned for 15 June, after incorporation of comments, open until 8 June) is considering to include supporting outputs (official designation of what was before called "longer document") for the groups that have those. We had not planned to have such a document for our group. In case you have some reason to change this policy, please let moderators know. Please make comments or any remarks you may have regarding the 5th release through the "request for comments function" (wee below the mail that gives the link to access the documents of the 5th release (main document, executive summary, press release); it is particularly important you read the main document as many people have before read only their sub-group production and the part 2 (generic transversal aspects) have been extracted from the various sub-groups documents if they were general and transversal. We all will be endorsing the whole document.
    2. Glossary and list of acronyms. The glossary has been preceded by a disclaimer sentence mentioning that it is for helping the reader but does not necessarily constitute a consensus definition (as proposed originally by Sergio Bonini); there are still possibility of improving definitions ; check if it is satisfactory or make proposals. You can mention that to moderators. Abbreviations and acronyms must correspond to those used by the institutions in question; you can also check.
    3. Resources. It is still possible to add resources ; there is a provisional zotero file created for that, that will be merged with the existing cleaned persent file as per 5th release; If you have such additional resources (not already present), please let moderators know.
    4. The decision tree group (now called "visualistion group") is considering three approaches to make the full document easy to navigate. They are infographics, mindmap, and wizard. More information is at
    5. There will be a webinar on June 9. Each subgroup will report its highlights. Please let the moderators know if you have any suggestions for the presentation.
    6. The dissemination to institutions, networks, colleagues and variosu stakeholders is important at this stage, so pleasecontinue to do so; you can report your dissemination efforts to moderators or directly to Hilary : ***@***.***
    We hope this is useful for you and we hope to hear from you and "see" you at the webinar and at our next call; we thank you again for your participation in this work and are very grateful for all your efforts!
    Co-Moderators: Sergio Bonini (***@***.***), Andrea Jackson-Dipina (***@***.***), Dawei Lin (***@***.***), Christian Ohmann ( ***@***.*** )
    Co-Chair Liaison: Anne Cambon-Thomsen (***@***.***
    Below is the mail with access to the documents of the 5th release :
    Dear COVID-19 Working Group Members,
    We have just published the 5th (pre final) release of the COVID-19 Recommendations and Guidelines -
    This version is now open for public comment until 8 June 2020
    I would ask you all to circulate this document and the executive summary and press release to your networks (links below). In addition to collecting feedback on this before it is officially endorsed, we want to broadcast far and wide this amazing community collaboration, cooperation and co creation for the benefit of the stakeholders.
    Though our work is not done, this release is a significant milestone. It is a culmination of thousands and thousands of hours volunteer effort from experts across many disciplines. It is the fruit of an unbelievable drive and demonstration of passion and dedication from a global RDA community. A community I am so proud to represent.
    I would like to thank you all so much for responding to the call for action less than 2 months ago. Please allow me to thank especially the co-chairs, moderators and the editorial team whose energy and tireless efforts have amazed and astounded me over this intense period.
    My sincerest gratitude to you all
    News piece and press content at
    1. Research Data Alliance COVID-19 Recommendations and Guidelines Executive Summary
    2. Research Data Alliance COVID-19 Complete Recommendations and Guidelines – 28 May 2020 Release
    3. RDA COVID-19 Working Group
    4. RDA COVID-19 All Working Group Outputs (5 releases)
    Dr Anne Cambon-Thomsen
    Directrice de recherche émérite au CNRS
    UMR 1027, Inserm, Univ Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier
    Plateforme sociétale genotoul
    Ambassador of the Research Data Alliance (RDA) for health sciences and research ethics
    37 allées Jules Guesde F-31000 Toulouse
    Tel : +33 (0)5 61 14 59 59 Mobile: +33 (0)6 79 41 13 48 Fax : +33 (0)5 61 14 56 23 Skype: act_pro
    E-mail : <***@***.***>

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