FAIR Research Data Management plans for Open Science

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29 Jan 2020

FAIR Research Data Management plans for Open Science

Our next event DaMaLOS: https://zbmed.github.io/damalos/
First virtual workshop on research objects managament for linked open science, Nov. 2-3, 2020


The German National Library of Medicine (ZB MED) – Information Centre for Life Sciences offers unique opportunities for researchers to obtain information and manage research data in the life science fields. ZB MED has signed the Berlin Declaration on Open Access in 2003, and is thus committed to the concept of Open Access (OA) for research results; it now provides comprehensive support in this area. ZB MED also has its own Open Access Policy, which stipulates that ZB MED employees should publish their own research results openly, also research data.  ZB MED offers an OA publishing platform for life sciences named PUBLISSO. PUBLISSO provides support to researchers working in the life sciences who wish to make their work and research data freely accessible through OA publishing. It offers extended comprehensive information on Research Data Management (RDM) and digital preservation. ZB MED defines RDM as a process that involves a series of steps and methods that aim at making research data usable over the long-term. These steps (with their potential associated ZB MED services in brackets) are: (1) planning RDM (RDMO4Life), (2) data collection, (3) data processing/analysis (documentation by using Electronic Lab Notebooks), (4) making research data referenceable and discoverable (DOI-service), (5) adding metadata, (6) assessing data quality, (7) sharing/publishing research data and safeguarding access (Specialist Repository for Life Sciences, Repository Finder for Life Sciences), (8) archiving research data and ensuring long-term interpretability (digital long-term preservation) and (9) searching for and using research data (LIVIVO). RDM yields scientifically verifiable and machine-readable research data that can be used in future research projects. These services all aim at making research data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Re-usable (FAIR).  In this poster we will summarize the aforementioned elements provided by ZB MED and supporting FAIR Research Data Management and Open Science.


Click on the poster image to enlarge

Name & surname: 
Justine Vanderdorpe, Leyla Garcia, Birte Lindstaedt, Ursula Arning, Dietrich Rebholz-Schuhmann
Scientific Discipline / Research Area: 
Natural Sciences/Biological sciences
ZB MED Information Centre for Life Sciences
  • Sarah Jones's picture

    Author: Sarah Jones

    Date: 02 Apr, 2020

    Thanks for sharing your poster. I have a couple of questions:

    1. What's the scope of your life science version of RDMOrganiser. Have you branched and extended the code in any way or is it just a life science hosted instance at the library with different guidance etc

    2. I liked the idea of recommending lab notebooks and repositories. Do you have specific integrations for this to make the recommendations e.g. allowing the user to browse a catalogue like re3data or FAIRsharing?

    There is a case statement under preparation currently for a new disciplinary DMP Working Group. Providing life science specific guidance as part of that may be of interest so by all means get involved

    All best


  • Leyla Jael Castro's picture

    Author: Leyla Jael Castro

    Date: 06 Apr, 2020

    Hi Sarah, 

    Thanks for visiting our poster.

    Please have a look to the answers shared by Birte in relation to your questions.



  • Birte Lindstaedt's picture

    Author: Birte Lindstaedt

    Date: 06 Apr, 2020

    Thank you for your questions, Sarah


    1. We host the instance RDMO4Life at ZB MED, there is no code shared at the moment. We focus on the content of the question catalogue for different disziplines of the life sciences. Currently we work with partners from the technical agricultural science to test the tool for dynamic use during a research project.  But I'm member of the steering board for continuing the developement of RDMO on a community base. 

    Of course we would be interested in joining a group on specific DMP developement.

    2. We published a guidance document for establishing an ELN in a research institution (only in german https://www.publisso.de/en/research-data-management/rd-documenting/key-criteria-for-choosing-an-electronic-lab-notebook-eln/). The market for ELNs is too dynamic to create a registry which can be constantly updated. But currently we try to build an ELN Finder, where users can filter criterias to come to a recommendation for an ELN Tool. 

    Hopefully I could answer your questions, don't hesitate to contact us for further enquirements.


  • Birte Lindstaedt's picture

    Author: Birte Lindstaedt

    Date: 06 Apr, 2020

    One more comment: the Repository Finder is a curated extract from re3data.

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