Data Reviews Online

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14 Jan 2020

Data Reviews Online

Data Reviews Online (Dareon) is an application that assists in the process of submission and review of proposals for the inclusion of datasets into a data repository. It helps with the management of Calls for Proposals and the associated proposal review process. In addition, Dareon includes classification schemes to help match Reviewers with appropriate Proposals.


Click on poster image to enlarge

For more information go to

For more information and to access the demo server, visit the website: (opens in new tab)

Name & surname: 
Nicholas May and Ian Thomas
Scientific Discipline / Research Area: 
Domain Agnostic
RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia
PDF icon RDA_P15_Poster_Dareon.pdf529.39 KB
  • Nicholas May's picture

    Author: Nicholas May

    Date: 30 Mar, 2020


    We'll be checking on this page every so often.
    So, if you'd like to ask a question about Dareon, we'll be happy to clarify or provide more information.

    Nick & Ian.

  • Patricia Herterich's picture

    Author: Patricia Herterich

    Date: 03 Apr, 2020

    Dear Nick and Ian,

    this looks interesting, has this been used by you Research Data Grants Program in action and how did that go? This could be an interesting use case for journals, too, to review datasets as part of the paper submission. 

    Many thanks,


  • Nicholas May's picture

    Author: Nicholas May

    Date: 07 Apr, 2020

    Hi Patricia,

    The development of the application was started as a student project and continued within the eResearch team at RMIT.
    Unfortunately, it was not ready to use during the Research Data Grants Program. However, much of the systems analysis came from what we learned whilst running a manual review process in the program.

    At the moment, the functionality is fairly basic. We are hoping that by collaborating with external organizations we can further develop the functionality and make it applicable to a wider set of review processes.



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