Update on the RDA COVID-19 Working Group

31 Mar 2020
Groups audience: 

We have a few updates for you as a member of the RDA COVID-19 Working Group:
The Case Statement for the WG is available, and provides additional information on the goals and process for the WG. Please take the time to review the Statement.
We are in the process of creating 5 sub-groups reflecting the areas in the Case Statement, as well as supporting links and resources. The will all be summarized on the WG Wiki page shortly.
Over 240 of you have added your expertise profile to the Google Sheet, and based on the information you provided, most of you will automatically be assigned to one of the 5 main sub-groups. You will receive an e-mail with a link to the landing page, and the e-mail address of the sub-group. These will be sent out tomorrow.
Depending on how you filled out the Sheet, one of 3 things will happen:
Those who selected one of the 5 areas in the original pick list will be allocated to that group.
Those who selected “Data Models” as the Topic of Interest, will be slotted into one of the 5 areas based on a best judgement with the information we have, and to ensure a good representation of this expertise on each of the 5 groups.
Those who selected a Topic of Interest different those in options a) or b), are encouraged to allocate themselves to a subgroup. You do this by navigating to the appropriate sub-group page, and clicking the Join Group button.
This was done to expedite the work of the COVID-19 WG, so if you wish to be slotted into a different group, you can update your assignment by joining the sub-group of interest. The full set of sub-groups and associated links and resources will be available on the main COVID-19 Wiki page shortly.
Please also bear in mind that the Sheet has been frozen to prevent editing of existing rows, and to allow us to complete the process of assigning people to groups. If you did not get a chance to add your information, you will still be able to join a sub-group once all the sites and pages are setup.
Thanks again for your patience, and for participating in this important effort. We will provide additional updates as the work progresses.
RDA COVID-19 Co-Chairs
Juan Bicarregui, Anne Cambon-Thomsen, Ingrid Dillo, Sarah Jones, Mark Leggott, Priyanka Pillai

  • Galia Weidl's picture

    Author: Galia Weidl

    Date: 01 Apr, 2020


    How are you collecting the comments in response to the review of the WG Statement?

    There is a need for the area "data analytics", which analyses the collected data with respect to different contexts (the WG needs to specify).

    The sub-group "data Analytics" should perform situation analysis and find cause-effect relations, dependent on the required context. This can provide input to other WGs, which are focusing on statistics, trends, predictions of situation development, on the effect of undertaking measures to limit the COVID-19 pandemic as well as on possible evidence-based recommendations.

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