Deadline for P15 Group Session Submission Fast Approaching

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12 Nov 2019
Groups audience: 

Dear Group Members,


The deadline for group session submissions for Plenary 15 is 28 November 2019, midnight UTC – just two weeks away.


If your group is interested in submitting a session for a working group, interest group or joint meeting session, submissions will only be accepted from your group chairs, so be sure to coordinate with them to ensure proper communication of the submission.  


If you are a chair and submitting for a joint meeting session, all chairs involved in that joint session must be notified of the submission. 


Birds of a feather sessions can be submitted by any RDA member, with the aim of assessing interest in a specific topic and determining if that topic should be further developed through the creation of an interest or working group.


Plan for your submission now to ensure you don’t miss the deadline!

Notification of Session Acceptances will be sent out on 20 December 2019, with the goal of publishing the final RDA programme by 22 January 2020.


For additional assistance or information, please e-mail the RDA Secretariat at


Thank you!


RDA Secretariat


  • Ted Habermann's picture

    Author: Ted Habermann

    Date: 13 Nov, 2019

    Hello all,
    Would a meeting to discuss affiliations and organizational identifiers in metadata be of interest to this group? If so, I think it would be a BoF… Is that correct?

  • Ted Habermann's picture

    Author: Ted Habermann

    Date: 13 Nov, 2019

    Rebecca et al.,
    I am just putting together a talk for AGU about The Metadata Game . That might also be a different and hopefully fun and interesting session for this group…

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