Extensive list of FAIRness evaluation criteria from SHARC- Re: [fair_maturity]

23 May 2019
Groups audience: 

Dear colleague,
Many thanks for your fantastic work! Following your invitation to
contribute, we would like to share the extensive list of Fairness
criteria we have identified so far as part of the RDA-SHARC's work. But
we are a bit confused on how to do that on your document here
*So find our list of criteria there:*
Note that the green highlighted criteria are the ones that have already
been taken into account in your spreadsheet (refered as nb 10 in the
landscaping exercise )...
Please let us know if you'd want us to proceed otherwise or if your 're
happy with the link...
All the best,
Laurence Mabile, Romain David

  • Makx Dekkers's picture

    Author: Makx Dekkers

    Date: 23 May, 2019

    Many thanks, Laurence and Romain!
    We’ll have a look at your document and get back to you if we have any questions.
    Kind regards, Makx.
    From: laurence.mabile=***@***.***-groups.org <***@***.***-groups.org> On Behalf Of lmabile
    Sent: 23 May 2019 16:42
    To: ***@***.***-groups.org
    Cc: Romain David <***@***.***>; Anne Cambon-Thomsen <***@***.***-tlse3.fr>
    Subject: [fair_maturity] Extensive list of FAIRness evaluation criteria from SHARC- Re: [fair_maturity]
    Dear colleague,
    Many thanks for your fantastic work! Following your invitation to contribute, we would like to share the extensive list of Fairness criteria we have identified so far as part of the RDA-SHARC's work. But we are a bit confused on how to do that on your document here < https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gvMfbw46oV1idztsr586aG6-teSn2cPW...> .
    So find our list of criteria there:
    Note that the green highlighted criteria are the ones that have already been taken into account in your spreadsheet (refered as nb 10 in the landscaping exercise )...
    Please let us know if you'd want us to proceed otherwise or if your 're happy with the link...
    All the best,
    Laurence Mabile, Romain David
    Le 08/05/2019 à 15:18, eherczog a écrit :
    Dear members of the RDA FAIR Data Maturity Model Working Group!
    We would like to make you aware that we have published a revised version of the report of the meeting of the WG in Philadelphia, with several people added to the attendance list. You can find the revised report at [1].
    As you all know, we are currently soliciting contributions from the Working Group in the collaborative worksheet at [2]. We are happy to report that there are now 44 indicators with proposed maturity levels in the worksheet. We are hoping to get more contributions by the end of May, after which the editorial team will analyse the contributions and propose a set of consolidated indicators with maturity levels for discussion at the next online meetings on 18 June 2019 (at 07:00UTC and at 15:00UTC).
    Looking very much forward to receiving more contributions and also to welcoming many of you in the next online meeting!
    Kind regards,
    [1] https://www.rd-alliance.org/workshop-2
    [2] https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gvMfbw46oV1idztsr586aG6-teSn2cPW...
    Edit Herczog
    Managing Director
    Mobile: 0032 476777595
    Phone: 0032 2311 6177
    Email: ***@***.***

    In case you cannot reach me please contact my assistant.
    Zsuzsanna Szeredi
    Mobile: 0032 475255905
    Phone: 0032 2311 6177
    Email: ***@***.***
    Full post: https://www.rd-alliance.org/group/fair-data-maturity-model-wg/post/fwd-d...
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    Laurence Mabile, Chef de projet/Project manager
    UMR1027 Inserm - Université Paul Sabatier / Toulouse III,
    Epidémiologie et analyses en santé publique.
    Equipe Trajectoires d'innovations en santé : enjeux bioéthiques et impact en santé publique
    Equipe EQUITY
    Faculté de médecine

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