urgent, RDA-SHARC IG poster -RDA P13

22 Feb 2019

Dear all,
We have prepared a poster reporting the work of SHARC and its current
development regarding the e*xtensive FAIRness  assessment grid*. This
poster will be presented by Romain David at RDA P13. As for the previous
one, we'd like to have those of you who have been contributing  to the
background paper (still ongoing) in the authors . Could you please have
a look at it (attached), and  give your quick comments if any, we do
need this as soon as possible before *Tuesday  feb 26th* (if you do not
wish to be part of the authors please let us know, otherwise no reply
from you will be considered as a yes).
Very sorry for the short notice once again!
Many thanks by advance!!
All the best,
Laurence, Romain
Laurence Mabile, Chef de projet/Project manager
UMR1027 Inserm - Université Paul Sabatier / Toulouse III,
Epidémiologie et analyses en santé publique : risques, maladies
chroniques et handicap.
Equipe 4: Génomique, biothérapies et santé publique.
Equipe 5: Inégalités sociales de Santé
Faculté de médecine
37 allées Jules Guesde 31062 Toulouse Cedex 9, France
E-mail : ***@***.***-tlse3.fr

File Attachment: 
File RDA-SHARC_Poster_for_RDAP13.pptx2.51 MB
  • Mohamed Salah Yahia's picture

    Author: Mohamed Salah Yahia

    Date: 25 Feb, 2019

    Hi all,
    It’s really a great job and a very smart looking poster. Thank you all, especially Laurence and Romain.
    Below are some very minor bugs ( or maybe they are not after all!) :
    o 3 Levels of criterion (use plural for level)
    o I don’t understand the scores you use as an example for Findable (need some explanation for the scoring…)
    § You give the same score for ‘Never’ and ‘Always’; ‘Sometimes’ has a score which is less than ‘Never’. It lacks logic at a first read..
    o ‘Develop step by….compliance incrementation’ maybe you meant ‘compliance implementation’ because incrementation is already indicated in the words ‘step by step’.
    o ‘……….This process requires participation, time,…’. I propose to use the word ‘involvement’ instead of ‘participation’ because it’s stronger and more inclusive.
    Mohamed S. Yahia
    En charge des activités de [https://schema.datacite.org/dc-logo.gif]
    Equipe Valorisation des Données de la Recherche
    Département de l’Offre de Services
    Inist – CNRS
    2, allée du Parc de Brabois
    CS 10310
    54519 Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy Cedex
    tél : +33 (0)3 83 50 46 00 poste 4144
    De : laurence.mabile=***@***.***-groups.org [mailto:***@***.***-groups.org] De la part de lmabile
    Envoyé : vendredi 22 février 2019 15:39
    À : ***@***.***-groups.org
    Objet : [sharc-ig] urgent, RDA-SHARC IG poster -RDA P13
    Dear all,
    We have prepared a poster reporting the work of SHARC and its current development regarding the extensive FAIRness assessment grid. This poster will be presented by Romain David at RDA P13. As for the previous one, we'd like to have those of you who have been contributing to the background paper (still ongoing) in the authors . Could you please have a look at it (attached), and give your quick comments if any, we do need this as soon as possible before Tuesday feb 26th (if you do not wish to be part of the authors please let us know, otherwise no reply from you will be considered as a yes).
    Very sorry for the short notice once again!
    Many thanks by advance!!
    All the best,
    Laurence, Romain
    Laurence Mabile, Chef de projet/Project manager
    UMR1027 Inserm - Université Paul Sabatier / Toulouse III,
    Epidémiologie et analyses en santé publique : risques, maladies
    chroniques et handicap.
    Equipe 4: Génomique, biothérapies et santé publique.
    Equipe 5: Inégalités sociales de Santé
    Faculté de médecine
    37 allées Jules Guesde 31062 Toulouse Cedex 9, France
    Tel : +33 (0)5 61 14 56 47
    Fax : +33 (0)5 61 14 56 23
    E-mail : ***@***.***-tlse3.fr

  • Alison Specht's picture

    Author: Alison Specht

    Date: 25 Feb, 2019

    Dear Laurence and Romain,
    Looks fine, and shows development (thanks!). Down to the wire time-wise, I know. I have had 3 days of travel and am a bit jet-lagged so hope this is clear.
    To add a few points to those Yahia has made. All but one (no. 5 below) are editorial.
    1. ASSESMENT is spelt ASSESSMENT (in the title it is wonky)
    2. Remove the ‘the’ in the text below
    * Develop gradual assessment of the researcher FAIRness literacy
    3. No need for plural ‘tools’ in the phrase below, but it is still awkward. Maybe replace ‘experimentation’ with ‘testing’. I think that sounds better. Is that a correct interpretation? No space after Belmont and before the dash (please all attend the PARSEC co-located meeting at the RDA!!!)
    * Tool testing in specific networks and in various scientific communities (IMI FAIRplus/Elixir community; BiodiFAIRse, Belmont-PARSEC, Citizen science networks, agronomy community…)
    4. In the box ‘Input from Community’ I know what you mean but the word ‘highly’ is not a great usage. Remove.
    To implement a highly fair appraisal of the sharing process…and then only one plural in user scientists. This harks to PARSEC.
    5. I do not know what is meant by the ‘grid’ (a grid is a matrix with X and Y co-ordinates, not what you have here, which is more like a tree). And why is it ‘extensive’? Decision tree is OK (and used in the Box)…
    ‘denomination’ is a word used for currency or religious sect. Replace with ‘definitions’ or maybe say ‘Thesaurus of synthetic criteria’
    MIND MAPPING thesaurus of synthetic criteria. Then in the survey it will be ‘decision tree’ rather than ‘grid’.
    6. Note the change in tense. Anticipating launch of the survey before RDA, ‘was’ is sufficient, replacing ‘has been’.
    A survey was launched in March 2019 to assess the usability and the validity of the decision tree.
    7. no need for both plurals in the following : volunteer data producers/users scientists
    8. Consistency with references. Not quite sure what the ‘sic_’ is but there you go!
    * Reymonet N et al. (2018). Réaliser un plan de gestion de données « FAIR » : modèle. 〈sic_01690547v2〉
    * Wilkinson MD et al. (2018). A design framework and exemplar metrics for FAIRness. Scientific data, 5, 180118. doi:10.1038/sdata.2018.118
    * Wilkinson MD (2016). The FAIR Guiding Principles for scientific data management and stewardship. Scientific data, 15, 160018. doi: 10.1038/sdata.2016.18.
    9. Addresses. Please note a space after the semi-colon before Fiona Murphy. Please note two address changes. I don’t know the new address for Anna, but it is not the FRB and has not been for more than 18 months. Maybe call her ‘independent researcher’. As Romain’s email address is at the top it should be removed from the affiliations.
    Author affiliations : Romain DAVID (Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS, IRD, UAPV, Institut Méditerranéen de Biodiversité et d'Ecologie Marine et Continentale) ***@***.***; Laurence Mabile, INSERM-Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse III, FR; Mohamed Yahia, INIST-CNRS, Nancy, FR; Anne Cambon-Thomsen, INSERM-Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse III, FR; Anne-Sophie Archambeau, GBIF-UMS PatriNat, Paris, FR ; Louise Bezuidenhout, University of Oxford, UK; Sofie Bekaert, Gent University, BE; Gabrielle Bertier, McGill University, Montréal, CA - Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse III, FR; Elena Bravo, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Roma, IT; Jane Carpenter, University of Sydney, AUS ; Anna Cohen-Nabeiro, Fondation pour la Recherche sur la Biodiversité, Paris FR ; Aurélie Delavaud, Fondation pour la Recherche sur la Biodiversité, Paris FR ; Michele De Rosa, BONSAI, DEN; Laurent Dollé, Biothèque Wallonie-Bruxelles, BE; Florencia Grattarola, University of Lincoln, UK; Fiona Murphy, Murphy Mitchell Consulting Ltd, UK; Sophie Pamerlon, GBIF-UMS PatriNat, Paris, FR ; Alison Specht, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, the University of Queensland, AUST; Anne-Marie Tassé, P3G, Montreal, CA; Mogens Thomsen, INSERM-Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse III, FR; Martina Zilioli, CNR-IREA, Milan, IT.
    From: <***@***.***-groups.org> on behalf of msy <***@***.***>
    Date: Monday, 25 February 2019 at 11:08
    To: lmabile <***@***.***-tlse3.fr>, "***@***.***-groups.org" <***@***.***-groups.org>
    Subject: Re: [sharc-ig] urgent, RDA-SHARC IG poster -RDA P13
    Hi all,
    It’s really a great job and a very smart looking poster. Thank you all, especially Laurence and Romain.
    Below are some very minor bugs ( or maybe they are not after all!) :
    * 3 Levels of criterion (use plural for level)
    * I don’t understand the scores you use as an example for Findable (need some explanation for the scoring…)
    * You give the same score for ‘Never’ and ‘Always’; ‘Sometimes’ has a score which is less than ‘Never’. It lacks logic at a first read..
    * ‘Develop step by….compliance incrementation’ maybe you meant ‘compliance implementation’ because incrementation is already indicated in the words ‘step by step’.
    * ‘……….This process requires participation, time,…’. I propose to use the word ‘involvement’ instead of ‘participation’ because it’s stronger and more inclusive.
    Mohamed S. Yahia
    En charge des activités de [https://schema.datacite.org/dc-logo.gif]
    Equipe Valorisation des Données de la Recherche
    Département de l’Offre de Services
    Inist – CNRS
    2, allée du Parc de Brabois
    CS 10310
    54519 Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy Cedex
    tél : +33 (0)3 83 50 46 00 poste 4144
    De : laurence.mabile=***@***.***-groups.org [mailto:***@***.***-groups.org] De la part de lmabile
    Envoyé : vendredi 22 février 2019 15:39
    À : ***@***.***-groups.org
    Objet : [sharc-ig] urgent, RDA-SHARC IG poster -RDA P13
    Dear all,
    We have prepared a poster reporting the work of SHARC and its current development regarding the extensive FAIRness assessment grid. This poster will be presented by Romain David at RDA P13. As for the previous one, we'd like to have those of you who have been contributing to the background paper (still ongoing) in the authors . Could you please have a look at it (attached), and give your quick comments if any, we do need this as soon as possible before Tuesday feb 26th (if you do not wish to be part of the authors please let us know, otherwise no reply from you will be considered as a yes).
    Very sorry for the short notice once again!
    Many thanks by advance!!
    All the best,
    Laurence, Romain
    Laurence Mabile, Chef de projet/Project manager
    UMR1027 Inserm - Université Paul Sabatier / Toulouse III,
    Epidémiologie et analyses en santé publique : risques, maladies
    chroniques et handicap.
    Equipe 4: Génomique, biothérapies et santé publique.
    Equipe 5: Inégalités sociales de Santé
    Faculté de médecine
    37 allées Jules Guesde 31062 Toulouse Cedex 9, France
    Tel : +33 (0)5 61 14 56 47
    Fax : +33 (0)5 61 14 56 23
    E-mail : ***@***.***-tlse3.fr

  • Romain DAVID's picture

    Author: Romain DAVID

    Date: 26 Feb, 2019

    Dear all
    thanks for your remarks
    please find attached the corrected version of the poster
    I will submit it tommorow
    Best regards
    SP : the summary of the poster is available here


  • Florencia Grattarola's picture

    Author: Florencia Grattarola

    Date: 26 Feb, 2019

    Dear all,
    Just writing to thanks Laurence, Romain and all for the great work.
    Also, to let you know that with my association in Uruguay we will be submitting a new data paper on tetrapods (it will be the first biodiversity open database for the country!). Even though it was created following the FAIR Principles, I think it would be a great opportunity to test the tool and put the assessment in practice with the rest of my colleagues.
    Thanks again!
    -----Original Message-----
    From: romain.david=***@***.***-groups.org <***@***.***-groups.org> On Behalf Of Romain_David_13
    Sent: 26 February 2019 16:28
    To: Alison Specht <***@***.***>; Sharing Rewards and Credit (SHARC) IG <***@***.***-groups.org>
    Cc: msy <***@***.***>; lmabile <***@***.***-tlse3.fr>
    Subject: Re: [sharc-ig] urgent, RDA-SHARC IG poster -RDA P13
    Dear all
    thanks for your remarks
    please find attached the corrected version of the poster I will submit it tommorow
    Best regards
    SP : the summary of the poster is available here https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WgsSIL0usdoV8SZO65D8eQU2vlM1y20DRFxR...

  • Alison Specht's picture

    Author: Alison Specht

    Date: 26 Feb, 2019

    Fantastic Florencia!
    From: Florencia Grattarola <***@***.***>
    Sent: 26 February 2019 18:10:56
    To: Romain_David_13; Alison Specht; Sharing Rewards and Credit (SHARC) IG
    Cc: msy; lmabile
    Subject: RE: [sharc-ig] urgent, RDA-SHARC IG poster -RDA P13
    Dear all,
    Just writing to thanks Laurence, Romain and all for the great work.
    Also, to let you know that with my association in Uruguay we will be submitting a new data paper on tetrapods (it will be the first biodiversity open database for the country!). Even though it was created following the FAIR Principles, I think it would be a great opportunity to test the tool and put the assessment in practice with the rest of my colleagues.
    Thanks again!
    -----Original Message-----
    From: romain.david=***@***.***-groups.org <***@***.***-groups.org> On Behalf Of Romain_David_13
    Sent: 26 February 2019 16:28
    To: Alison Specht <***@***.***>; Sharing Rewards and Credit (SHARC) IG <***@***.***-groups.org>
    Cc: msy <***@***.***>; lmabile <***@***.***-tlse3.fr>
    Subject: Re: [sharc-ig] urgent, RDA-SHARC IG poster -RDA P13
    Dear all
    thanks for your remarks
    please find attached the corrected version of the poster I will submit it tommorow
    Best regards
    SP : the summary of the poster is available here https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WgsSIL0usdoV8SZO65D8eQU2vlM1y20DRFxR...

  • Romain DAVID's picture

    Author: Romain DAVID

    Date: 27 Feb, 2019

    Thanks Mogens
    I hope I've taken in account all remarks
    The few most complicated improvements will be made before the paper
    Have a good week skiing!
    Best regards

  • FIONA MURPHY's picture

    Author: FIONA MURPHY

    Date: 27 Feb, 2019

    Yes, thanks both for undertaking this exercise and for letting us know. Do keep us informed of developments.
    Very best, Fiona

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