Next RDARI webmeeting and the topic for the Philadelphia

03 Dec 2018

Hi all,
1. Next webmeeting of the RDARI IG
From the Doodle ( I had to pick
one from two possible and I chose 14.12.2018 11:00 (UTC). Here is time
in some timezones:
2. Agenda
- Shor Gaborone recap
- Governance survey and news from Gaborone (James participated in
Gaborone the meeting of the IG working on questionnaires)
- Prepairing the Philadelphia session application
- Topic for the Philadelphia
- RDARI IG co-chair issues
3. Let's use this Google doc for the topic discussion:
Say your word!
4. Case statements
If you know a research data project, architecture or infrastructure
which you like see as a part of our program in Philadelphia, or - even
better - if you want to present your own project or architeture or
technological solution, please let us know.
So, we need also presentations for the plenary :-)
5. Web meeting instructions:
Connect over video
Join with your web browser (Chrome, IE11):
Other ways to call:
Call in by phone
Finland: +358 8 41541375 extension 2001178218
Additional numbers:
Ville Tenhunen, puh./tel. +358 294 140 102, +358 50 576 2862

  • Rossella Aversa's picture

    Author: Rossella Aversa

    Date: 04 Dec, 2018

    Dear Ville and dear all,
    unfortunately I cannot participate to the next web meeting.
    However, I would like to give my contribution by suggesting the
    NFFA-EUROPE IDRP (Information and Data Repository Platform). This is a
    distributed data repository for the nanoscience community developed by
    KIT and CNR-IOM within the NFFA-EUROPE project which I take part of.
    If this could be of any interest, pleate let me know.
    My best regards,

  • Ville Tenhunen's picture

    Author: Ville Tenhunen

    Date: 04 Dec, 2018

    Hi Rossella,
    Thank you for you proposal, it is interesting!
    We'll discuss about it as a part of our program plans in next web meeting.
    Ville Tenhunen, puh./tel. +358 294 140 102, +358 50 576 2862

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