Possible joint session at RDA P12

27 Jun 2018
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Hi guys,
I was wondering whether we could propose a joint session between the DMP
Common Standards WG and Storage Service Definitions WG?
Due to the limited number of slots available, I believe a joint session
proposal is more likely to be accepted. Also, there is (likely) some
overlap between the work we are doing in SSD WG and the DMP-common WG,
which would be good to explore.
Would such a proposal for a joint session be of interest?

  • Tomasz Miksa's picture

    Author: Tomasz Miksa

    Date: 27 Jun, 2018

    Hi Paul,
    It would be great to explore commonalities between our groups - like we discussed during the plenary in Berlin.
    Unfortunately, we have already submitted our proposal. However, we are happy to adapt our agenda [in case our proposal gets accepted] to include discussion on synergies with your group.
    Alternatively, we could try to submit another proposal for a joint session, maybe also including somebody from the Repositories group?
    Best wishes,
    - Show quoted text -From: paul.millar=***@***.***-groups.org
    <***@***.***-groups.org> On Behalf Of paul
    Sent: środa, 27 czerwca 2018 12:22
    To: ***@***.***-groups.org
    Subject: [dmp-common] Possible joint session at RDA P12
    Hi guys,
    I was wondering whether we could propose a joint session between the DMP Common Standards WG and Storage Service Definitions WG?
    Due to the limited number of slots available, I believe a joint session proposal is more likely to be accepted. Also, there is (likely) some overlap between the work we are doing in SSD WG and the DMP-common WG, which would be good to explore.
    Would such a proposal for a joint session be of interest?
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  • Mikael Borg's picture

    Author: Mikael Borg

    Date: 29 Jun, 2018

    On 06/27/2018 05:54 PM, tmiksa wrote:
    > Hi Paul,
    > It would be great to explore commonalities between our groups - like
    > we discussed during the plenary in Berlin. Unfortunately, we have
    > already submitted our proposal. However, we are happy to adapt our
    > agenda [in case our proposal gets accepted] to include discussion on
    > synergies with your group.
    > Alternatively, we could try to submit another proposal for a joint
    > session, maybe also including somebody from the Repositories group?
    Either way would be fine with me, but the deadline is only 6 hours away,
    so time is of the essence. From the Storage Service Definitions WG I
    guess we want to explain our goals, show what we have done so far,
    solicit feedback and try to get more people to engage.
    Apparently, there will be fewer sessions at P12 -- only 63 compared to
    80--90 in Berlin. Thus RDA will encourage joint sessions.
    Kind regards,
    Either way would be fine with me, but the deadline is only 6 hours away,
    so time is of the essence. From the Storage Service Definitions WG I
    guess we want to explain our goals, show what we have done so far,
    solicit feedback and try to get more people to engage.
    Apparently, there will be fewer sessions at P12 -- only 63 compared to
    80--90 in Berlin. Thus RDA will encourage joint sessions.
    Kind regards,

  • Paul Millar's picture

    Author: Paul Millar

    Date: 02 Jul, 2018

    Hi DMP-common-ers,
    In the end, we applied for a "Storage Session Defn WG" session for P12
    with the title "How to get the most science for your money?"
    In the submission, we asked the organisers try to avoid any clash
    between the session (if approved) and the "WG DMP Common Standards" session.
    So, you are all more than welcome to attend!
    Also, in the proposed SSD session agenda, we've kept a slot for someone
    to give a short intro to DMP Common Standards, with corresponding
    So this email is also an invitation for you guys to present your work
    within the context of SSD, assuming the SSD session goes ahead.

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