The case statement

17 Jan 2014

Dear All,
As mentioned in a previous email, I sent the new version of our
case statement to the RDA TAB and council. It turns out that there
was a report for the previous TAB review of our case statement
that we did not receive in spite of all the efforts I made to have
the correct feedback. This report has been sent to me today. It
contains clear recommendations which are relevant from my point of
view. I forward you the report so you can have a look at it and
give feedback or edit the case satement at the following address :
To summurise, we should:
* clarify the nature of of deliverables (paper product,
technical solution or whatever)
* be more practical in our work plan: the TAB suggests to
envisage a 4-months digest phase after  the survey in order to
come to an agreement on how we move from a set of unrelated
vocabularies to a linked data framework. Include a step to
discuss the minimal metadata set 
* envisage a kind of demonstration of interopeability accross
different vocabularies and/or ontologies we will identify and
* envisage a 2 stage work group with membership coutinuity with
our current delivrable as satge 1 and a 2nd stage that takes the
results to demonstrably usable Linked Data Solution
I know how busy you are, but it would be good if
we could come to a new version for the TAB by the end of next
Please, also let me know if you are available for a skype on
monday, or tuesday, or wednesday at 13:00 Paris time. Thank you.
Warm regards,
*Esther DZALE
*Chef de projet /
Project manager*
***@***.*** [2]
déléguée à l’IST / Scientific Information
Tèl. : +33 1 (0)1 30 83
34 44
Fax : +33 1 (0)1 30 83 34
78 026 Versailles cedex
France [3]
[2] mailto:#

File Attachment: 
PDF icon Wheat_WG_TAB_Review_07Sep2013-1.pdf81.19 KB
  • Esther DZALE YEUMO's picture

    Author: Esther DZALE YEUMO

    Date: 24 Jan, 2014

    Dear All,
    please find below a proposal new work plan which takes into
    account the RDA TAB report that I forwarded to you last week. I
    did not receive any feedback from you, so if you need more time,
    please let me know.
    Would you please notice the 2 main changes I made in the "form and
    description of final deliverables": I considered the decision tree
    as a part of the cookbook and added a new deliverable which should
    be a prototype reusing an existing semantic framework. The idea
    here is to base this prototype on the COEUS framework but we can
    use another one. We should just be careful to choose a streamlined
    framework with the less coding requirement. If you wish I can plan
    a presentation on the COEUS framework in one of our RDA plenary
    work sessions .
    Would you also please have a deep look at the planning and tell me
    if it seems realistic to you or not.
    Warm regards.
    .... Work plan
    * Form and
    description of final deliverables
    * A report on the survey of
    existing standards
    * A Wheat linked data framework
    specification (cookbook). The cookbook is intended for the
    Wheat data managers community, and should provide them
    with guidelines on what metadata, vocabularies and
    ontologies they should use to describe, represent and
    link different types of Wheat data. The cookbook will
    include a decision tree for describing/representing data
    based on:
    * data and metadata
    description recommendations
    * file format
    * Library of linked vocabularies and ontologies in machine readable formats
    respect to the Linked Data standards.
    * A prototype which should be
    based on an existing Semantic framework such as COEUS
    (COEUS: [1]) and should
    include the set of ontologies recommended in the
    pre-mentioned cookbook. The goal of the prototype is to
    propose a ready to use and streamlined framework for:
    * integration of
    heterogeneous Wheat Data,
    * publishing Wheat
    Linked Data that facilitate the reuse of the mashed up
    data by programs and Humans.
    * Months/Deliverables
    * Months 1 to 2: Survey of existing standards
    and recommendations (vocabularies, ontologies, existing
    types and formats of wheat research data). Plus
    identification of end-user categories and relevant
    * Months 3 to 7: Identification of a set of
    minimal metadata for each data type and discussions on
    how to move from a set of unrelated ontologies and
    vocabularies to a Linked Data framework.
    * Months 8 to 10: First version of the Wheat
    linked data framework specification (cookbook).
    * Months 8 to 11: Prototyping - Configuration of
    an existing Semantic framework with selected ontologies
    + documentation for selected Wheat Data integration use
    cases through the prototype.
    * Months 12 to 14: Evaluation of the first
    version of the cookbook and the prototype by the
    adoption groups.
    * Months 15 to 16: Final version of the Wheat
    linked data framework specification (cookbook) + update
    of the COEUS prototype.
    * Months 15 to 18: Promotion: workshops in
    connexion with an RDA meeting and the Wheat Initiative
    events + webinars.
    *Esther DZALE
    *Chef de projet /
    Project manager*
    ***@***.*** [2]
    déléguée à l’IST / Scientific Information
    Tèl. : +33 1 (0)1 30 83
    34 44
    Fax : +33 1 (0)1 30 83 34
    78 026 Versailles cedex
    [2] mailto:#
    [5] mailto:#

  • Johannes Keizer's picture

    Author: Johannes Keizer

    Date: 24 Jan, 2014

    I find this an excellent work plan! I am apologizing for not being more active in the discussion, but during restructuring here in FAO I had to take over more responsibilities and I am simply overwhelmed.
    But I am looking very much forward to participate in the meeting of the working group in Dublin.
    - Show quoted text -From: edzale=***@***.*** [mailto:***@***.***] On Behalf Of edzale
    Sent: 24 January 2014 14:09
    To: ***@***.***
    Subject: Re: [rda-wdinterop-wg] The case statement
    Dear All,
    please find below a proposal new work plan which takes into account the RDA TAB report that I forwarded to you last week. I did not receive any feedback from you, so if you need more time, please let me know.
    Would you please notice the 2 main changes I made in the "form and description of final deliverables": I considered the decision tree as a part of the cookbook and added a new deliverable which should be a prototype reusing an existing semantic framework. The idea here is to base this prototype on the COEUS framework but we can use another one. We should just be careful to choose a streamlined framework with the less coding requirement. If you wish I can plan a presentation on the COEUS framework in one of our RDA plenary work sessions .
    Would you also please have a deep look at the planning and tell me if it seems realistic to you or not.
    Warm regards.
    Work plan
    · Form and description of final deliverables
    o A report on the survey of existing standards
    o A Wheat linked data framework specification (cookbook). The cookbook is intended for the Wheat data managers community, and should provide them with guidelines on what metadata, vocabularies and ontologies they should use to describe, represent and link different types of Wheat data. The cookbook will include a decision tree for describing/representing data based on:
    § data and metadata description recommendations
    § file format recommendations
    o Library of linked vocabularies and ontologies in machine readable formats with respect to the Linked Data standards.
    o A prototype which should be based on an existing Semantic framework such as COEUS (COEUS: and should include the set of ontologies recommended in the pre-mentioned cookbook. The goal of the prototype is to propose a ready to use and streamlined framework for:
    § integration of heterogeneous Wheat Data,
    § publishing Wheat Linked Data that facilitate the reuse of the mashed up data by programs and Humans.
    · Months/Deliverables
    o Months 1 to 2: Survey of existing standards and recommendations (vocabularies, ontologies, existing types and formats of wheat research data). Plus identification of end-user categories and relevant platforms.
    o Months 3 to 7: Identification of a set of minimal metadata for each data type and discussions on how to move from a set of unrelated ontologies and vocabularies to a Linked Data framework.
    o Months 8 to 10: First version of the Wheat linked data framework specification (cookbook).
    o Months 8 to 11: Prototyping - Configuration of an existing Semantic framework with selected ontologies + documentation for selected Wheat Data integration use cases through the prototype.
    o Months 12 to 14: Evaluation of the first version of the cookbook and the prototype by the adoption groups.
    o Months 15 to 16: Final version of the Wheat linked data framework specification (cookbook) + update of the COEUS prototype.
    o Months 15 to 18: Promotion: workshops in connexion with an RDA meeting and the Wheat Initiative events + webinars.
    Chef de projet / Project manager
    Direction déléguée à l'IST / Scientific Information department
    Tèl. : +33 1 (0)1 30 83 34 44
    Fax : +33 1 (0)1 30 83 34 40
    78 026 Versailles cedex
    Le 17/01/2014 16:55, Esther Dzalé Yeumo Kaboré a écrit :
    Dear All,
    As mentioned in a previous email, I sent the new version of our case statement to the RDA TAB and council. It turns out that there was a report for the previous TAB review of our case statement that we did not receive in spite of all the efforts I made to have the correct feedback. This report has been sent to me today. It contains clear recommendations which are relevant from my point of view. I forward you the report so you can have a look at it and give feedback or edit the case satement at the following address :
    To summurise, we should:
    * clarify the nature of of deliverables (paper product, technical solution or whatever)
    * be more practical in our work plan: the TAB suggests to envisage a 4-months digest phase after the survey in order to come to an agreement on how we move from a set of unrelated vocabularies to a linked data framework. Include a step to discuss the minimal metadata set
    * envisage a kind of demonstration of interopeability accross different vocabularies and/or ontologies we will identify and recommend
    * envisage a 2 stage work group with membership coutinuity with our current delivrable as satge 1 and a 2nd stage that takes the results to demonstrably usable Linked Data Solution
    I know how busy you are, but it would be good if we could come to a new version for the TAB by the end of next week.
    Please, also let me know if you are available for a skype on monday, or tuesday, or wednesday at 13:00 Paris time. Thank you.
    Warm regards,
    Chef de projet / Project manager
    Direction déléguée à l'IST / Scientific Information department
    Tèl. : +33 1 (0)1 30 83 34 44
    Fax : +33 1 (0)1 30 83 34 40
    78 026 Versailles cedex

  • Michael Alaux's picture

    Author: Michael Alaux

    Date: 29 Jan, 2014

    Dear all,
    Here are my proposals in green.
    Best regards

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