Big Data Analytics Interest Group Telecom...

26 Jan 2014
Groups audience: 

Fellow Big Data Geeks:
Its time to roll our sleeves and get to work. There have been plenty of behind the scene activities since our last tag-up at the Washington DC Plenary. Here is a quick recap of these activities:
1. The charter for Big Data Analytics Interest Group has been approved by the RDA Technical Advisory Board. The revised charter can be found here:
2. A new Big Data Working Group focusing on Infrastructure has been formed. The chairs for this group are Wo Chang (NIST), Geoffrey Fox (Indiana U.) and Yuri Demchenko (U. of Amsterdam). The focus of synergistic WG is to establish best practices implementation guidelines for how to deploy and manage big data applications. Find additional information about this Working Group here -
3. We are scheduled to have multiple sessions at the Dublin Plenary focussing on Big Data Analytics and Infrastructure.
Its time to have a telecom to not only plan for the upcoming Plenary but also make progress with our technical discussions. Please respond to the following doodle poll to indicate best day/time for you:

  • Wo  Chang's picture

    Author: Wo Chang

    Date: 28 Jan, 2014

    Dear Rahul,
    Thanks for setting up this telecon!
    Question: do you want this call to be restricted to BDA-IG or you want to include BDI-WG?
    If you want to include BDI-WG, I could inform them since most of our members are not on your reflector yet.
    If is needed, I could also set up the web-based telecon so people from Europe can use VOIP. Just let me know.
    From: RAMACHANDRAN, RAHUL (MSFC-ZP11) [mailto:***@***.***]
    Sent: Sunday, January 26, 2014 4:33 PM
    To: ***@***.***
    Cc: Chang, Wo L; Peter Baumann; Morris Riedel
    Subject: Big Data Analytics Interest Group Telecom...
    Fellow Big Data Geeks:
    Its time to roll our sleeves and get to work. There have been plenty of behind the scene activities since our last tag-up at the Washington DC Plenary. Here is a quick recap of these activities:
    1. The charter for Big Data Analytics Interest Group has been approved by the RDA Technical Advisory Board. The revised charter can be found here:
    2. A new Big Data Working Group focusing on Infrastructure has been formed. The chairs for this group are Wo Chang (NIST), Geoffrey Fox (Indiana U.) and Yuri Demchenko (U. of Amsterdam). The focus of synergistic WG is to establish best practices implementation guidelines for how to deploy and manage big data applications. Find additional information about this Working Group here -
    3. We are scheduled to have multiple sessions at the Dublin Plenary focussing on Big Data Analytics and Infrastructure.
    Its time to have a telecom to not only plan for the upcoming Plenary but also make progress with our technical discussions. Please respond to the following doodle poll to indicate best day/time for you:

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