Wheat Data Interoperability Website

25 Nov 2014

Dear All,
as discussed during the last meeting we had a look into wordpress and
are pleased to propose you the following :http://ist.blogs.inra.fr/wdi/
The URL is not definitive.
Please let us know if this website could be convenient and if we
continue with it. Then, we will be able to give you the editing rights
and provide some straightforward guiding.
Sophie and Esther

  • Vassilis Protonotarios's picture

    Author: Vassilis Proton...

    Date: 25 Nov, 2014

    Looks lovely to me; a clean, green theme, easy to navigate to different
    sections/pages and really easy to manage - our blog is also based on
    Wordpress (http://blog.agro-know.com/) and I can assure you that the
    admin and user interfaces are really easy to use :-)
    I would suggest that we carefully selected the categories under which
    the pages/posts will fall, so that we will make navigation even easier.
    Warm regards,

  • Michael Alaux's picture

    Author: Michael Alaux

    Date: 25 Nov, 2014

    The wordpress website is nice and seems to be convenient.
    The only thing I don't like is then manner of "Recommendations, Best
    practices, Tools, Examples" popup to open.
    See the following image:
    Best regards
    Signature electronique
    *Michael Alaux *
    *Deputy leader: Information System and Data Integration team*
    *Bioinformatics project manager: Wheat*
    *URGI *
    INRA Centre de Versailles, Bat 18, RD 10 Route de Saint-Cyr
    78026 Versailles FRANCE
    Tel. : +33 (0)1 30 83 34 23

  • Esther DZALE YEUMO's picture

    Author: Esther DZALE YEUMO

    Date: 26 Nov, 2014

    Thanks Michael for your feedback. Will try to propose something
    [1] http://ist.blogs.inra.fr/wdi/
    [2] http://urgi.versailles.inra.fr

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